Quote Originally Posted by Crom71 View Post
I’m just getting lucky lately. I’m still p*seed I missed “Soul.” Lol! Anyway, anything to help the community here. This hobby, sadly, has become yet another hijacked by scalpers and Ebay resellers looking to make a buck. The Steelbook market is small here and the availability of titles, as we are painfully aware, is minuscule compared to other markets, so every bit helps making sure collectors can get their orders in.
All I can say your help is greatly appreciated and I have to agree this hobby sadly has become yet another guilty pleasure by us being hijacked by scalpers and Ebay resellers looking to make a buck. The pitiful thing about this is that these individual will happily brag about and thank BBYCAN for being able to get thier 18 copies.

But at any rate this is the BBYCAN site Best Buy Exclusive SteelBooks I was looking at and did not see the DUNE steelbook.


When I saw this under the the Steelbooks category this is were I saw the DUNE steelbook when you announced it was available for preorder. My question why separate them because this is why I think this is why it so hard for people to see when something new pops up.
