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Thread: The Hulk pics

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    The Hulk pics

    also good article

    His previous films include "Sense and Sensibility," "The Ice Storm" and "Eat Drink Man Woman," which were as far away from gamma rays and rampaging green behemoths as cinematically possible. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" in 2000 proved that Lee could film action, but the movie's wire stunts and blue- screen backgrounds involved few modern special effects.

    But Lee says his latest job made sense to him, with "Crouching Tiger" serving as a transition to "The Hulk." The filmmaker was drawn to the project at first by his comic-reading school-age sons, later realizing that there was a surprisingly complex character in the middle of the pulp action.

    "That grabbed me right away," Lee said. "I was on the way to doing something like that in 'Crouching Tiger,' to mix serious drama with pop art. I got a taste of that and thought I could do that bigger."

    Once the director was onboard, "The Hulk" needed a location. In the comics and TV show, the monster is born on a desert base in the Southwest, where Bruce Banner (Eric Bana in the movie) is exposed to gamma radiation.

    New Mexico was changed to UC Berkeley to get Hulk near a big city, a move that Lee was happy about.

    San Francisco "is one of my favorite cities in the world," Lee said. "I would probably rank it at the top or near the top. It's small but very photogenic and has layers. It's like New York. You never have problems finding great angles that people have never done."

    Locations for "The Hulk" include Berkeley, Treasure Island and Telegraph Hill in San Francisco. Filming for the most part was kept secret, but an extended trailer displayed for some journalists and exhibitors shows that the Bay Area is used to the fullest.

    Lee seems particularly fond of helicopter shots looking down on the city streets, where the Hulk wrecks at least one cable car.

    Although Lee put his own mark on the film, most of the main plot points in "The Hulk" mirror the comic. Bana plays Banner, a student who gets a dose of gamma radiation while working on a secret military project. As a result, whenever he gets mad, he mutates into a huge green creature. ("You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.'')

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    ack... look i am a big obviously CG Green Guy....

    in my opinion i will walk away from that movie disappointed... i really like action\adventure movies... and superhero stuff.. but this one is a bit too... far out for me... i like superpowers and stuff but its a big CG green guy :| the trailers make it seem like the old guy likes girl... girl likes guy... girl gets in trouble... guy saves girl girl and guy happy.....
    Last edited by Tombfyre; 05-20-2003 at 01:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    the trailer looks it looks really like a big green cg guy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    The Netherlands
    nice sig

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by sander.brons
    nice sig
    Well @ least it is good for a funny sig

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Ottawa, ON, Canada
    And Neo's so obviously fake in the Burly Brawl, and when he's flying, and that semi crash is soooooo CG!! You know what? Focus on the action and the story and STFU about fake lookin' CG. It bugs me to no end when people do that.
    Are you a Mexi-CAN or a Mexi-CAN'T?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i havent seen neo....
    but it is always hard to bring a comic figure to the big screen as Hulk...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    the plywood state
    i agree that it is hard to bring a comic book character to life. though i think the Hulk will be a good movie. it won't break any records but i am looking forward to this one. from what i've seen in the trailers, they have done a good job on the hulk and bringing him to life.

    on the fake cg topic. it is hard for me not to focus on bad cg when it is so bad, that is distracts from the action. or if it is so "out there" is is funny looking. of course, in my line of work, i have the bad habit of looking for the use of cg over the sotry. which is why i have to see a movie multiple times to really get the whole picture. the bst cg is when you don't know its cg and it is seamless into it's environment. story, action and all.
    "I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone …
    but they've always worked for me,"

    Hunter S.Thompson

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    No place like
    <a href\"">HULK PREVIEW REVIEW- not film review</a>

    Official Movie Site!


    Rated : NR

    Starring: Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliot, Josh Lucas, Nick Nolte
    Directed by Ang Lee
    Produced by Avi Arad
    Written by James Schamus

    Release Date: 2003-06-20
    Review by FilmHobbit : 2002-05-02

    Just when the world is drowning in well deserved Spider-Man fervor, Ang Lee has decided to stir things up a bit for The Hulk. Maybe the new Hulk teaser will get lost amidst the Star Wars, Spider-Man shuffle, but few film properties are likely to inspire the kind of fan boy fervor you'll discover among fans of the Hulk.

    Frankly, I don't see the need. There are to many superhero movies in production. The market is about to be glutted. What happened to the days when we'd have one, maybe two comic book movies per decade? Superman for the 80's, Batman for the 90's... and Spider-Man/X-Men for 2000! Sorry charlie, no dice. Besides the current crop of heroes, greedy studio fat cats are already well on their way to shoving a couple dozen comic related films out the door in the hopes of capturing your cash. With the RECORD breaking success of Spider-Man, look for corporate weasels to seek out more minor league crime fighters to shove out the door among the bigger, already taken contenders.

    But, when it comes to comic contenders, The Hulk is the biggest... physically at least. When it comes to popularity, his fame is right up there with the other American comic mainstays, so I don't suppose I can really begrudge this film's creation. It's not like this is some lame Hellboy movie, or a knockoff of some minor superhero like DareDevil. Still, how about a little BREATHING room between these things. Even if they all manage to somehow be quality films (and we've been DAMN lucky with X-Men and Spider-Man) people are going to get BURNED out.

    So, for those who don't know, The Hulk is the story of a scientist, Dr. Bruce Banner, tragically altered in an experiment gone bad. As a result of the accident, he turns into the equivalent of a modern day Jekyl and Hyde. If he loses control, if he gets angry, he transforms into a huge, green, super-strong, totally invincible creature, who in addition to his supreme power is also supremely angry, and frequently ends up wreaking havoc on anyone and everything around him.

    The teaser features cryptic shots of Banner alone at home in front of the mirror. He talks about his suffering... about how he can't lose control, about how he is afraid to lose control, and about how when he does... he almost likes it. Then it happens. The camera zooms in on his eye. It changes. The lid turns green. Then the outside of his house. We hear a roar... the house shudders and begins to splinter... The Incredible Hulk!

    As a teaser, Hulk is an amazing and tantalizing piece of work. Anytime a filmmaker has the wherewithal to tease rather than spoil in his advertising he should be commended. Hulk grabs your attention... but tells you nothing. Ang Lee makes sure you want more.

    So great, the teaser has you drooling. But Hulk fans may end up being disappointed by the final product. For one, the film is directed by The Film Hobbit's arch nemesis... Ang Lee of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon fame. You might thing the worst he could do would be to send the Hulk dancing across rooftops on his tippy toes in a ridiculous, gravity free ballet. Sadly, the word swirling around the production of Hulk reveals that Lee may have much more insidious things in store for this mean green incarnation.

    But how do you make a realistic looking gigantic green, super-muscled creature like the Hulk anyway? Ang Lee sounds like he is going to try CGI... which sounds like disaster to me. We all know CGI isn't up to that type of realism yet. If you want proof just look at the horrible CGI Scooby Doo in the upcoming film of the same name. Though, in Lee's defense, IS there any way to make a realistic looking Hulk on screen? Perhaps not.

    Lee's Hulk will star Eric Bana (Chopper) as Bruce Banner, the man beneath the Hulk. However, it will ALSO star Nick Nolte as his father... frequently referred to in production notes as the "Absorbing Man". And here's where things go bad. Apparently, in this version, Banner receives his powers from his father, who is mutated in a horrible lab accident and passes his genetic abnormalities onto his son. There is talk of shots featuring a "baby Hulk" and rumor that the "Absorbing Man" may be Banner's arch enemy as well as his father.

    I'm all in favor of making modifications to better fit existing material and to better meet more vibrant demands of film; but not if that means sacrificing the spirit of what it is you had to begin with. This, if true is a MAJOR departure from the Marvel Comics Hulk, and drastically alters the nature of the inner conflict Banner must continually face, thus irrevocably changing the character into something else entirely.

    There are other, even more disturbing rumors surrounding this production; but other than the above, little else can be given enough weight to be worthy of mention. This isn't something little, like changing Wolverine's costume, or giving Spider-Man organic web shooters. Ang Lee is no longer making a movie about The Hulk. I don't care how good his script is, that's unacceptable. Whether you're a fan or not, The Incredible Hulk deserves at least a little respect. Apparently, Ang Lee isn't interested in giving it.

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    new PIC!!!

    i just remembered i had a dream about this movie and T3.... T3 was a very scary dream... NUKe WAR

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