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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Iowa City, IA

    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) - My review

    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    It isn't the same as the original, therefore it doesn't suck like the Psycho remake!

    Plus, I've memorized the original pretty thoroughly and I was on the edge of my seat watching this version. While it doesn't leave as much of an impact, it is more exciting. The original succeeded in disturbing and this one succeeds in thrills. I literally held my breath whenever Leatherface was stalking a character.

    Man did Leatherface get in some good kills, and get this: I ACTUALLY ROOT FOR THE OTHER GUYS!

    Unlike Freddy or Jason movies, there is actually a good deal of character-driven moments in the film! I was surprised, there was some really good quality acting in a horror film. While not on the caliber of The Exorcist in acting, it definately beat out the original TCM (of couse they were all local actors).

    It's hard to decide which version is better because they provide both sides of the horror spectrum, but at least this version doesn't have Franklin. Thank God! No one in this film got on my nerves. They got under my skin in creepiness (especially the big woman in the trailer who says, "Oh, my. Oh, my, my, my!")

    It was a very good film and an awesome first picture for the director. Yes, I know he was fired from other projects, but he struts his stuff here.

    There are definately a few scenes that are worth keeping your eyes open for:

    1) The run through the clotheslines (seen a little in the trailer)
    2) Leatherface's attack on the van
    3) The sheriff forcing one of the kids to reinact a suicide
    4) Erin in the basement
    5) The video footage from the police
    6) Hiding out in the abandoned home

    I am really not trying to give away anything from the movie. Suffice to say, don't pay attention to critics like Roger Ebert (he's been going loony for the past two years on his film reviews - His review of Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle was a story about him walking home after seeing the movie and noticing how beautiful Chicago is at night... WHAT THE HELL?!) There is even a review out there from a female reviewer who gave the film a horrible review because the movie was too scary and it took away from her getting to know more about the characters.

    (insert a long, deep sigh right about here)

    Definately go see the movie and for those of you who are purists about the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I urge you to see it even more. It isn't a sacrilidge to the original text, it is just an addition to it.

    They worked hard on making this film with the same tone as the original and not trying to stay to the original script. It works. There is no crazy hitchhiker to cut someone's arm, but there is a heartwrenching foreshadowing given by the girl ("It was the bad man. He was a bad, bad man.") There is no dinner scene, but the family and the town play much bigger roles. There is no cook, but there is a twisted sheriff.

    It has the same title and it has Leatherface, but it is a different ballgame...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    London Ont Canada

    Thumbs up

    i saw the movie tonight kick *** movie 10 of 10 for me

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Iowa City, IA
    Originally posted by SinBoy-666
    i saw the movie tonight kick *** movie 10 of 10 for me
    Have you seen the original?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    London Ont Canada
    yes i have seen all of them

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