This movie was an utter and total disappointment. It didn't anwser 1 damn thing just posed more questions. The first 30 minutes was just like reloaded with all the "blah, blah, blah".

After that it got better and the CGI was definitely much cleaner then in reloaded. But as everyone has said, the ending is confusing and will leave you dumbfounded. I knew this movie wasn't going to be that much better then reloaded because they made both movies at the same time.

But I had to know how this triology was suppose to end. Unfortunately I didn't get that. The Wachowskis have really let me down.

It feels like they got so burned out from making these movies that they rushed in an ending without even caring. I too have questions for anyone who has seen the movie that can contemplate an anwser.

What the hell was up with that Indian girl? I wish they didn't have her in the movie because she is such a terrible actress and she's ugly to boot.

How did Neo defeat Smith? What the hell made them all light up like christmas trees to the point of blowing up? Did the machines use Neo as some sort of bomb?

How do they figure the war is over? It seems like they came to some sort of truce but what kind of peace is that?

In the end, the architect mentions freeing everyone. Won't that destroy the robots as they have no more power source?