Originally posted by carl
Still it's god to know that us Brits can be united against some things. Though I bet Asidz will try and usurp us.
lolz i just read this today!! im a bit slow! but yes i loved this movie...gota admit..aint the best movie eva or nething...but was enjoyable simply cuz i was in da mood to see sum legs gettin chopped off and one pissed off lady! and the scene where uma thurman looks at her belly and starts crying..really really got me...almost made me cry aswell....and a movie hasnt done that to me for loooong!! and yes the movie made me numb..the movie made me feel stuff i hadnt done for a long tym or not feel nethin at all wid da numbness.lolz... and the scene wid the school gal chucking the metal round ball thingy really made me feel as if i was suffocating...really kept me at the edge of the seat....the soundtrack was "ORYT" in da movie, just the main track was good which gave me a bit of a chill up da spine....and i loved the scene wid lui wid that water tank thinky that just kept dropping...making the *tonk* *tonk* noises....and the refrences of the extreme close up shots on the eyes

Hatoree hanzo was da most wikedest actor in this film in my opinion...it just felt like he had soo much wisdom and felt like a person u know...and he was very deep....i just loved his character!!! This movie is nuffink different...its just fresh new action...and i guess thats what i was looking for...and i wasnt dissapointed...

i didnt really see the point of the extreme non linear narrative..i think the movie in that sense tried to make it more complex den it is...and failed to do so...but den agen maybe the tone of the film worked better like this.... i think i gave this movie a 3.8 out of 5