i agree with JP in that we need some new action heros. i really don't think the new punisher is going to be that good. first off, the guy playing frank castle is not really the "punisher" type. maybe the attitude and emotion will be there, but not the build and imo, that should be included for a comic book-->movie. comicbook heros are always larger than life. this guy just doesn't seem to fit the role.

as far as new blood coming in, we really need some new stars that can do the action flick. i think the Rock could be a good contender. he improved greatly from the Scorpion King into the Rundown. i'm not saying he is a great actor, but for an action flick, do you really need someone who can speak well..?? no, you need someone with a good build, good looking and charisma. the Rock has all three. no one else really comes to mind.

also, i thought the Hulk and LXG were excellent comic book to movie adaptions. daredevil could have been better without affleck and a better storyline.