Double-bill today:

The Girl Next Door - it's actually meeting my expectation, ie not a masterpiece, but I can related to it and certainly enjoyed it (I did have two good mates at high school. alas if only my ex was a porn star ... and why am I suddenly having a deja vu?... ). I just think if it's not a comedy, the character Kelly will be much nastier.

The Bourne Suprmacy - sorry but I think it's overhyped. Too many shaky-cam close-up action shots. For a movie that's practically not much plot and action (Bourne gets framed. Bourne comes out of hiding, finds out who framed him and goes back hiding again), on a home theatre system it's a great way to kill a Saturday afternoon. But on the big screen it just gave me headaches. Maybe it works if I had see Bourne Identity. But as for now, the only redeeming factor is Joan Allen - ain't she look beautiful, or dare I say, hot in this one!? :big grin: