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Stop Watching Movie Trailers

Posted on July 26th, 2016
They are broken, and they’re ruining movies


Stop watching trailers. I dont mean: If it makes you mad, you should avoid it! I mean: Stop watching trailers. You’re buying a broken product. Trailers are free? No, you’re paying to see a movie, and when you watch a trailer, you are decreasing the value of your ticket. You’re cheapening the experience. Everything costs something. Trailers are ruining good movies, and they are making average movies unwatchable. They are bad and they need to be sent back to the factory.
Are you going to see Suicide Squad? If your answer isn’t Whats Suicide Squad? then you probably don’t need another trailer for it. If you went to Comic-Con, or read Comic-Con content, or attended Comic-Con Content Con (a.k.a. hell), then YOU DEFINITELY ARE GOING TO SEE SUICIDE SQUAD. That decision has been made. So then why in the world would DC and Warner Bros. feel the need to remix all the previous footage into this:

READ MORE @ The Ringer

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