An interesting question towards a simple guest to the regular members. How much is Movie-List part of your life?

Breaking down the question here, how much has ML changed you to anything you say that brings ML to a topic between friends and strangers. We have heard (from the members) that they have seen and/or mention ML in their everyday life. Myself, I'm curious because I have made the people around me and in my life aware of this simply outstanding site

Here are some stories for example.
Firstly, my parents know for sure what ML is by means of various ways. One is when going to the movies or looking forward to a particalar movie, I suggest to them to see that movie's trailer (at THE site) or information. I know I've implanted the important of this site because my mum resently told me she gives everyone at work (while talking about movies) to visit ML for the latest trailers. Another is merchandise around the house. Most times, I wear a t-shirt from ML and lots of ppl are curious (parents know) and do ask me. A mug I use for tea or soup makes sure my parents know how to feed me and in what goods Pretty much at this point my parents can not forget what ML is even if they tried.
Another way I have done is mentioning it in topics of movies to old and new friends and even strangers. While purchasing a particular DVD, the salemans asked if I was a fan of the movie which I responded with "HA... No. Just after the trailers on it." Puzzled, I told him about my enjoyment of watching trailers and Movie-List itself. Told him if he knows about it, "No I haven't heard of it" and told him to go look it up.
At work, talks of movies come up offen (if not forced by me ), Movie-List comes up offen and too when some new awesome trailer does come out, I point everyone towards ML. Its such a simple site and easy to remember address.

Anyone have stories what ML has affected you and ppl around you?