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Thread: Anime: Patlabor3
Anime: Patlabor3
Patlabor The Movie 3
I havne't seen the series but i own both current movies out. They are great. The action is on the political front rather than the senseless frontline in your face shouting action anime. Its a must see for anime fans!
Click the image for more info. WARNING! In Japanese! Anyone translate?/!\ Certified Bandwidth Abuser || ([)(]) Dolby Digital me bitch! || Alicia Keys || Game Trailers || FaceBook user ||
|| All-time Favourite TV Shows: Battlestar Galactica (2003+), Dead Like Me, FireFly, Invader ZIM, Space: Above & Beyond, Veronica Mars ||
[ -- Music Festival Whore! -- ]
Can't wait ... such a HUGE fan.
Thx for the headz up mate.
found some english description about the Patlabor series (including #3)
It's a 3rd movie of the PATLABOR. The PATLABOR movies were going to be an serious drama one by one. It's barely formed an robot animation but story is approaching to real world and an "incident" is having an reality... Well, this is an guide book which is full of the keys to analyze this movie entitled "WXIII PATLABOR THE MOVIE 3 MANIAXX".
I just watched Patlabor2 few hours ago and really enjoyed the story. Like it says, the story goes into great detail on the incidents happening in the real world. I was shocked how close a movie made years ago happen to get a very close story to the incident that happen during Sept11th. PL2 is set in 2002 tho.
Here is an english poster
Just in case no one has seen it yet, I got a link for a trailer
Here ... .asx format ... you know what to do
Seems the series has evolved/moved into the mecha genre. Can't decide if I like it or not.
Oh no! Its changed!!!
i'm talking about the movie. Its moved away from a political issue and gone back to the first movie style. I really liked the 2nd movie. But its what the tv series is, both political and weirdo.
As for the streamed trailers, i don't even record them. DOn't even know how. SO much trouble to go through for so little quality trailers.
Looks cool. I swear i thought i heard someone say 'Akira'...
Originally posted by Kn'thrak
As for the streamed trailers, i don't even record them. DOn't even know how. SO much trouble to go through for so little quality trailers.... you must be joking...
oh common. its really SIMPLE! first install program. put link into program (Open URL press). say where file should be stored, wait until file is UL-it to your HardDisk (its grafically shown) & there you are. then rename it as you wish... watch. :bday:
heh, peace of cake...Last edited by ZUBi; 09-06-2002 at 04:14 PM.
y download that crap when Apple has its crystal trailers?
Originally posted by Kn'thrak
y download that crap when Apple has its crystal trailers?When you got 'em by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.
NOW READ THAT!: they are also trailers that will NEVER be shown on Apple site & THEY ARE MILES BETTER (& also sometimes in quality!) than this COMMERCIAL shits on Apple Site...
BTW: Kn'thrak, You dissapointed Me, really.
Still makes streamers are useless. I don't even download them them cose someone will make a downloadable version. Like Mischa says, y waste the space and time download them.
I view them but taking the time to save the streamers and store them? A much better version will always be out the next day or more.
And with streamers, why the low quality? Ppl still use crappy 640 res monitors? Most ppl don't download crap quality trailers but rather store the watchable ones. Streamers are even watchable at times cose of traffic.
I don't mind dissapointing, i'm not trying to kiss-ass.
Most of the best trailers, Apple has made for us. Any good trailer or popular one, Apple will have. Apple is just a promotional tool. COmpanies approach Apple and ask them to advertise their product.
I will be happy with streamers, when they become prefect quality but that won't happy untill, everyone has the net and speed to watch them like that.
No doubt in the future, everything will be streamed. If u want something, u go download it which will come up right away. No waiting. We can only dream
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