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09-01-2006, 08:52 PM #1j7wild Guest
M. Night Shyamalan: your movies stink !!
Mr. Shyamalan:
I saw Lady In The Water today with my wife, thankfully at the $1 theater, and we feel that this movie stinks!!
Not only did it stunk, the whole pacing of the story is messy, slow, confusing and it makes me think that Disney was right in refusing to finance this project after financing your first four films!!
I had it with you, Mr. Shyamalan!!
You are an over-rated, over-paid Screenwriter/Director and your movies are over-hyped but IMO they all stunk!!
Sixth Sense: they guy was dead from the beginning - hello, not only has this plot twist/device has been done before, I guessed it right from the beginning. So when the so called "twist" ending finally came (which was more like a cop out), I was one of the few people in the audience who didn't go into awe!!
Unbreakable: you copycat the story from a comic book: "Security Guard Man vs Rollerbrittle" - get an original material!!
Signs: the whole premise of the story was flawed from the beginning and the execution of it to the ending made no sense!!
The Village: what a deceiving piece of crap - one of the most deceptful movie I'd ever seen.
I am considering filing a class action lawsuit against you for False Advertising!!
It's a shame that your movies are being advertised as being good films and people go to see your films expecting a good film.
Your movies are guilty of trying to be good when they are not!!
I'd rather watch a movie that knows it's bad and doesn't care it's bad; at least I don't come out of the theater at the end of it feeling cheated!!
Have you considered a career change?
Maybe as a Microsoft Support Center outsourced Call Center Taker?
I hear a great many of your fellow countrymen are doing quite well in that field!!
Last edited by j7wild; 09-02-2006 at 07:51 AM.
I'm jumping into this thread to defend Sixth Sense, Unbreakable and blame your hate of The Village on really bad marketing. they made it out to be a scary suspence movie, when it wasn't about that at all.
Haven't seen Lady in the Water yet.
So why did you watch all of them? If I were to dislike for example X-men a lot, I will not be watching X-men 2 or 3.
If you hate his movies so much did it took you 4 movies to figure that out?I'm a mog, half man, half dog, I am my own best friend.
09-02-2006, 07:38 AM #4j7wild Guest
because everytime he makes a new movie, the bloody trailers make it look interesting and I think:
"Maybe this will be better this time than his last film".
No More!!
Next time I am just going to presume his movie is going to stink and I am not even going to bother, regardless of what I see in the trailer or what the critics say!!
Personaly I like all of his films.
I have hated all this "lame excuse for a director" has done with the exeption of "The Village" i realy enjoyed that.. but all the rest sucked badly..
What anoys me the most is that alot of ppl i know bouth online and IRL insist that he is one of the best directors/writers around.. and i cant help feeling that they are total morons... :S
j7wild this is littlebit pathetic opinion. You just say it stinks and only reason for saying this is that you didnt like the points of movies. I did like Signs, Unbreakable and Sixt sense. I did. But even if I wouldnt, I would never say its bad movies. This opinion, my friend, stinks
Its like if you said that all the Spielbergs movies stink coz they are predictable -and they are- and say that he´s bad director coz you dont like them. Stupid
I havent seen LIW and even if I wouldnt like it - I´d never say that all of his movies stink.
You´r just so bravely shouting in the air how MUCH you know about the movies, but it makes us all think otherwise. Judging director by personal dislikes is faaar from inteligent argument.
I saw Lady In The Water today with my wife, thankfully at the $1 theater, and we feel that this movie stinks!!
09-02-2006, 12:47 PM #10j7wild Guest
my personal dislike of Shyamalan's films is based on what I've seen of his movies so far and it's not based on him, the person.
therefore I have the right to say all his movies stink in my opinion because I've seen them all and they all stink, to me.
if I were to say that all his movies stink and I haven't seen any or all of them, it would be a different story, wouldn't it?
therefore, my argument is valid.
09-02-2006, 01:11 PM #11
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Personally, I have to say that I kinda liked Stuart Little.
But I think that is the only one of his movies that I have seen, and that was on TV one day.
Of course, he just wrote that one, he didn't direct it.
Just got one thing to say re the original post: one is entitled to have his/her own opinion about certain movies/directors' works, love them or hate them.
However, such racist remark is uncalled for.
What would one feel like if someone posts something like "I hear a great many of Italians are arrogant, ignorant megalomaniacs who are doing quite well in the field of ogling the female anatomy"?
As for Lady in the Water. I agree that the movie's mis-marketed. Audiences who have seen Shyamalan's previous 4 Touchstone films would by default expect LitW is the same kind of movie (I know I did), with a twist at the end (again, love it or hate it). Rather, after seeing it, I realised that it's essentially a classical fairy tale, a generic myth if you prefer, in a modern urban setting.
Once one is able to accept these mythical rules like the characters do, the film becomes more acceptable (whether you like it or not is another matter). It's like if you can't accept the mythical rules of Star Wars, Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings at all, you will never get into these films. It's just that Star Wars and Lord of the Rings have settings which are more distant from reality than Lady in the Water. (In fact, the hair colour change of Story reminded me of Gandalf the Grey transforming to Gandalf the White)
Not to say the plot of LitW is not looking ridiculous to some, but IMHO it's an approach for one to be able to try to accept the story, if one finds it unacceptable.
In LitW Shyamalan did throw in some self-reflexive, if not self-sarcasm, comments or lements on people's expectation, on the film itself and to some extent related to his previous films (particuarly with some of the film critic's lines). Love it or hate it (last time I will use this phrase), it's probably Shyamalan's attempt of making a big-budget independent film and breaking the audiences' expectations on him as a director of horror/mystery/suspense films, albeit not a commercially successful one. The backstage stories of the origin of the story, how much the movie costs and again, audiences' expectations based on his Touchstone films and mis-marketing probably hurt the box office rather than helping it.Last edited by editman; 09-18-2006 at 07:51 PM.
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Whether you like or dislike his movies, they sure do make you think. I remember seeing The Village with my cousin...she hated it and I liked it. It led to some deep conversations about how one's environment influences their upbringing.
i liked Sixth Sense, mostly becuase i didn't know anything about the movie. though i did kind of figure out the twist before the end. i have not seen LITW yet (though my son loved it. it likes bedtime stories like this.)... but the rest were less than pleasing. i did buy the book though and the book was at least interesting.
the one thing i hate about his direction, is that he treats his audiences as idiots. there is always a scene (or multiple scenes) where, he gives everything away for 'those of us who are not paying attention'... like we can't figure that out by the time it rolls around. he can't figure out how to get from one point to the next, so he throws this scene in to tie everything together and it comes off like crap.
i don't spend any money at all on any of his films. i'll see it for free or wont see it at all. that way, im not forced to get my money's worth out of it. (which i know i wont)"I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone …
but they've always worked for me,"
Hunter S.Thompson
i wouldnt really say his a bad director but i do kinda think his over-rated... but while saying that... i must add that i thought The Villiage was a very good film... ive had moments where ive thought to myself that its really ****... den started finking more about it.. and began to like it that much more. I guess it was because the movie made me think alot. I disliked Sixth Sense and Unbreakable. Ive never really thought to myself that his directing is nething near extraordinary.. but ohwell
and yeah im indian.. so please refrain from the racist remarks!(dont worry i dont get easily offended) but id just rather we dont go down that road...
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