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Astonishing atmospheric phenomenon in Brazil
This happened on July 11, 2007 in Bacia de Campos (Rio de Janeiro, I believe), Brazil. Here you can download a 24 MB video showing it.
Credits to Joao Oliveira, A. J. Gevaerd and Revista UFO from Brazil.
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Any explaination to it? Looks like its just clouds kept against some type of pressure front difference.
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Astonishing atmospheric phenomenon in Brazil
I agree with you Kn'thrak, the point is that apparently it was never recorded on film. I will ask the people who provided me the video to see what they think.
I will communicate you then.
Note that the area where this video was filmed is an oil zone. There are works there to get petroleum and maybe the ones who filmed this were workers of Petrobras (Brazilian state-owned oil company) or something like that.
Edit: Here is more info but in Brazilian Portuguese. The phenomenon lasted at least 3 hours and after all that time it was still visible on the horizon. No one has never seen this according to this page, but a meteorologist consulted said that this has a conventional explanation, related to shear lines.
An helicopter with Petrobras workers that flew bellow this formation suffered from turbulences, a thing that was previously warned by the pilot to the passengers.
The cloud speed was 30 to 40 kilometers by hour, its diameter was 500 meters and its altitude was 600 meters over the sea level. It was sighted at 90 kilometers from the Sao Tomé lighthouse.
Taken from the video, at my computer:
Last edited by jmcc; 08-23-2007 at 03:26 PM.