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Thread: New System
New System
So here's the deal.
The old system is totally gone.
Our new credits system is up and being tested.
(to make sure points don't climb like crazy due to an error on our part).
Right now, there isn't anything to buy.
That will come later.
(you'll be able to buy all the forum enhancing stuff - colored usernames / arcade pass / etc. - as well as a bunch of new stuff - including real items like DVD's).
The things we do have working are the lottery and the bank.
The lottery runs every 2 days (as long as at least 5 tickets have been bought).
Jackpot is 50 credits, and raises with each ticket sold.
The bank pays 10% interest every week and there is a 1% fee for each transaction.
We also have a loan system. You can take out up to 100 credits, but they need to be paid back (10% per week) or there is interest, and your credit score will be affected (stopping you from buying things in the future).
Like the old system, you earn credits for starting threads, replying to threads, referring users, updating your profile, and so on.
If you're active (logged in to the forum) at least once per week, you'll also receive a paycheck.
All of these things will most likely be tweaked and some settings may change.
How many points for starting threads, replying to threads, referring users, updating your profile, and so on?
thats what I´m interested in too ... also how many points for viewed thread of mine? Coz in old system it felt like I got no points for my threads ....
and what does updating profile exactly mean? Changing a word?
Also ... what about the poor ladies who used to be the richest on the planet and have now the same amount of points as I have? Will they be compensated, or is this just new start?
are there ever gonna be points for being thanked?(j/k)
what are we gonna buy that Blade Runner for?Does that mean tha I have a chance now?
That would buy just too cool
I see one thing.
O.1 points per post ...
Checking: 10.21 Credits | Savings: 0 Credits | Rating: 0
Transfer Checking to Savings Savings to Checking
Amount 1% Fee
Minimum savings of 1.00 Credits required for 10% interest every 7 days. Deposits require pending time of 0 days before interest accrues, or a 0% early withdrawal fee applies. Deposits may be moderated. Maximum savings of Unlimited Credits allowed. Transaction fee of 1% applies on all transfers.
So savings is like deposit before? And that 1% fee for each transaction is like when I deposit 10, I pay 0.1 point for depositing? What does Rating mean?
Sorry. my english sux when it comes to bank and administration stuff
09-26-2007, 09:36 AM #6j7wild Guest
hey wait I still have people bidding on the Blade Runner Box Set!!
j7wild > seems like you will be compensated
just give it a time and everything comes back to normal, except they´ll have to bid again
so its still the same, the points are just smaller now
09-26-2007, 10:13 AM #8j7wild Guest
this couldn't be right:
the 3 richest members beside J-P are not on this list:
It is right. As mentioned in the link I posted, it was all temporally erased and will come back soon
And I´m almost the richest user now
At least for few days. I´ll quickly have more points than that newbie, who just received his welcome points...well, if you wont be faster than me, j7wild
I guess we are the most posting users now anyway ....
Well that's a bummer, finaly got a decent amount of points and now it's all gone. JP you should have atleast taken into account the amount of points the users had in the previous system.
I'm a mog, half man, half dog, I am my own best friend.
Neither of you is paying attention
In order to make things fair for those with millions of points, we will be lowering everyones current points by an equal percentage.
For example (this is not final... but an example):
People with 1000 points will end up with 10 point.
People with 1 million points will end up with 10,000 points.
btw talk about fair when the richest users have their points from broken loterry
I used to have more than 1 million points, I now stand at 10.10 credits, I call that hardly fair.
I demand a recount. I used to be mr rich around here. Now im just a regular joe. Whats is this, communist china???
Ive gotten used to my luxury lifestyle, i cant go back to bread and water.
Its time for the (formely) rich to revolt.
I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me riches or give me death?!
FREEDOM!!!"A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism." / Carl Sagan
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