For the first time in three and a half years, I only have one operating system on my home computer.

However, the one I have left isn't Windows.

I have completely removed Windows from my home desktop computer. It was very liberating.

Granted, I haven't used much of Windows over the last two years. But still, it was there.

I ended up giving my copy of Windows XP to a friend of mine who desperately needed a newer computer, but didn't have much money. So I built her a computer using some parts I had sitting around and purchasing the few parts that I didn't have. She isn't very computer literate, so I couldn't talk her into Linux. So, after talking it over with my wife, I gave her our copy of XP. Of course, to do that legally, I have to remove it from my computer. Which I have.

Granted, I'm still stuck with Windows at work (I am the IT guy for our office, after all, and it is a Windows environment).

So I am moving forward with Ubuntu, and maybe a Linux distro or two to be named later.