Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonMG View Post
To boost ticket sales (for Harry Potter) and demand....
I don't think the final part of Harry Potter really needed a trailer to boost its ticket sales. ($158mill over weekend) Although you do make a valid point that people are reading on-line about the trailer being shown with it and expecting to see it.

The cinema I work at has The Dark Knight Rises trailer but hasn't attached it to Harry Potter, they don't like attaching trailers that are too far in advance of the films release. (guess I won't be seeing Brave with Cars 2 when it comes out either then) The only thing about doing something like that when the net is a-buzz with talk of the trailer is that some (and I know this because people have asked me before going in) expect it to be attached.

But I say again, I don't think it really was needed to boost ticket sales of Harry Potter.

Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonMG View Post
I think that's called "trolling"...
Trolling is when you intentionally are doing it, j7wild often doesn't have a frigging clue of what he is saying.