Yep...Captain Jackson is back. The latest Troma movie is hitting DVD soon.
Here's the trailer for it...

Captain Jackson Trailer - Quicktime - Direct Link

This time...Captain Jackson gets a new sidekick...and fights evil, vicious vampiric midgets. Boy oh boy...I wonder how it's all gonna end!!!

Dan...How in the hell did you find this damn thing???
Good question. And the answer is quite simple. I was basically just cruising along some Robocop forums...and came across the star of Captain Jackson (nice guy, BTW), who informed us that his super duper rad n' tad suit is actually a modified version of the classic Robocop suit designed by Bruce Hansing. (Yes...Rob Bottin designed the suit...but Hansing builds them)

For anyone who wants to collect odd trailers...I figured this would do....