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Beginning of the Great Revival (The Founding of a Party) - 2011
Beginning of the Great Revival, known as The Founding of a Party in China and a companion piece to 2009's Chinese blockbuster The Founding of a Republic, details the historic events surrounding what is referred to as the Chinese Revolution, the period from 1911 to 1921, when Sun Yat-sen overthrew the Qing Dynasty and planted the roots of what has become today's Chinese Communist government. The story shows the beginnings of the country's most influential first-generation leaders, including Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai-shek and Zhou Enlai.
Liu Ye, Chang Chen, Chen Kun,, Andy Lau, Daniel Wu, John Woo, Bingbing Fan, Wei Tang / Director: Sanping Han & Jianxin Huang
Release date
China: June 15th, 2011
USA: June 17th, 2011
Hong Kong: June 23th, 2011
QT Encodes of the Domestic Trailer available at Apple including HD.
Nothing New, Different Encode
AOL/Moviefone HD Encode of the Domestic Trailer
QT Domestic Trailer HD 480p (26.2Mb)
QT Domestic Trailer HD 720p (47.5Mb)
QT Domestic Trailer HD 1080p (71.6Mb)
QT Domestic Trailer 1024X436 (16.5Mb)
QT Domestic Trailer 640X272 (16.5Mb) ** MegaUpload
QT Domestic Trailer 480X204 (7.7Mb) ** MegaUpload
QT Domestic Trailer 1920X1080 (50.4Mb) ** MegaUpload
QT Domestic Trailer 1280X720 (25.7Mb) ** MegaUpload
QT Domestic Trailer 854X480 (11.4Mb) ** MegaUpload
QT Domestic Trailer 640X360 (8.1Mb) ** MegaUpload
FLV Domestic Trailer 1920X1080 (50.4Mb) ** MediaFire
FLV Domestic Trailer 1280X720 (25.7Mb) ** MediaFire
FLV Domestic Trailer 854X480 (11.4Mb) ** MediaFire
FLV Domestic Trailer 640X360 (8.1Mb) ** MediaFire
Beginning of the Great Revival
I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.