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Thread: Shout! Factory SteelBooks
Nice to see John Carpenter's The Thing getting a steelbook; I do love the fact that Shout!-Factory is doing its best to release these older movies and maybe overtime we will see other older movies like Willow and The Last Star fighter also get steelbook.
Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey (Shout Factory)
Limited to 10,0000. Amazon.ca // Best Buy CALast edited by jacques1400; 10-23-2018 at 07:39 PM. Reason: Added Link
Thanks for the update Leprekon!
Well I guess it will be safe to assume that Sunrise Records will be carrying the Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey Steelbook. I do know that the Sunrise store in my area still has copies of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Steelbook.
It's retail wide, and as I stated before, 10,000 is far from being a limited edition in my books.
I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.
Forgive for going off topic but when SHOUT releases a steelbook what studios for eg WB, Paramount, Universal and whatever other studios I forgot to mention do they cover. For example would there be a possibility that they could release a steelbook for The Last Starfighter which was a produced by Lorimar Productions and released by Universal Pictures and /or Willow which was produced by Lucasfilm Ltd & Imagine Entertainment and distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
It's actually not off topic, but a valid question.
Shout! is just one of many Private Labels, so the competition is pretty fierce.
It's all about acquiring or leasing the rights in whole (worldwide), or in part (regionally), the type of media (BD or DVD), and the allotment they need for the venture to be profitable.
I believe they own the rights to the entire "New Horizons" & "ITC Entertainment" catalogs to various degrees, and have sole home video distribution rights in North America for IFC Films.
In short, is it possible for them to acquire the rights to the likes of Willow & The Last Starfighter? Everything is possible, but the real question should be "are these titles actually available, and if so at what price?"
As long as these titles make a profit in Home Video, major studios don't have a problem re-releasing them through their own channels, throw in the affordability & availability of the MOD option, odds are not that good that they would lease the rights to the competition.
I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.
Forgot to add this one
Streets Of Fire November 20th
https://www.amazon.ca/Streets-Fire-3...dp/B07G2MYVXB/Last edited by jacques1400; 09-01-2018 at 03:18 AM. Reason: Update
Dances with Wolves SteelBook
Retail Wide Release, Available as an Import from Amazon.ca, Street Date November 13, 2018
Amazon.ca // Best Buy CA
Last edited by jacques1400; 01-23-2019 at 01:29 AM. Reason: Update
I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.
Good to see a steelbook for this movie; I am curious to see if it will contain both the original theatrical release of Dances with Wolves and the Special Edition four-hour version of the movie.
These titles are up for online preorder at Best Buy Canada!
New! Dances With Wolves (English) (Collector's Edition) (SteelBook) (Blu-ray)
New! The Thing (English) (Limited Edition) (SteelBook) (Blu-ray)
New! Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey (English) (Collector's Edition) (SteelBook) (Blu-ray)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Season One Limited Edition SteelBook
Retail Wide Release, Note this is DVD Only, Street Date April 16, 2019
Amazon.ca // Best Buy CA // Shout!
Last edited by jacques1400; 03-09-2019 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Update
I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.
Popstar - Never Stop Never Stopping SteelBook
God knows why, but a retail wide release for April 16, 2019
I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Complete Series [25th Anniversary Limited Edition]
Anyone interested in this set, it's now on sale from Shout! for $99.00 USD
I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.
If anybody is still interested Best Buy Canada has 1 copy remaining of The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) for online preorder.
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