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Thread: Please Read Before Posting
Please Read Before Posting
Here are the Basic Posting Rules:
1. The forum has an anti-spam feature, which automatically moderates for approval any post containing links, or any member who has not previously posted. Until a randomly system selected amount of posts has been reached, any member new or senior, who has not reached the threshold, may be affected. Editing a post previously approved, will result in the post reverting back into moderation.
2. Search Before Posting to avoid Duplicate Threads & Posts.
3. New thread should Include a Title (Movie Title and Year).
4. Any TS (Thread Starter) Post needs to Include the IMDB Reference Link.
5. YouTube Videos should be from Source, we don't promote other Trailer Sites.
6. Posted Images should not Exceed 625 +/- pix, Oversized Images will be removed.
7. Whenever possible, use Direct Links for pics, or Image Sharing Sites (Imagebam, Imgur, Postimages, etc.)
8. The only Information Required for Trailer Requests, are Title and IMDB reference. Please refrain from posting YouTube videos, unless you're looking for a very specific Trailer.
YouTube is too resource intensive, and bogs down the thread on slower PC's and Internet Connections. Of course, links to other Trailer sites are strictly forbidden.
9. Thanking Posts takes a fraction of a second, but goes a long way. Keep this in mind when requesting trailers from members.
Thanks for your Cooperation.
Last edited by jacques1400; 12-03-2023 at 02:07 PM. Reason: Updated
I can't see through walls, but I can kick your ass.
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