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View Poll Results: Which one are you?
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German and very very pissed off
2 25.00% -
American and laughing my a*s off
6 75.00%
Results 1 to 15 of 16
why the matrix reloaded will be a blockbuster/the matrix countdown is back
short quote from cnn
The Wachowski brothers, the creators of "The Matrix" franchise and this second edition of the ground-breaking trilogy, have once again raised the bar regarding what is possible in an action/adventure blockbuster. Unfortunately, the result is not really a feature film. It's a video game.
A damn good video game, but a video game nevertheless -- albeit one hot-wired to the joystick of every video junkie/adolescent male in the universe. Because of that, it will make hundreds of millions of dollars.
not exactly a good review but gets it's point across
6 hours...5...4...3...2...1...HEY! where's Neo?!
He's doing his Superman thing
Just realized that the countdown is still going on in Germany
let's have a big Nelson style HA HA
WTF ?!?!?!?! WTF is your point with this POLL ???
German and very very pissed off
American and laughing my a*s off
you better delete this thread or you are one big AS'SHAT
I take it by your quote that you think describing a film as a videogame is a good thing?
To make the dumb plot and mindless action of a videogame and then take away the interaction is to be making it better?
Re: why the matrix reloaded will be a blockbuster/the matrix countdown is back
Originally posted by Jake
short quote from cnn
the whole article here
not exactly a good review but gets it's point across
Ultimately, all the razzle-dazzle becomes mind-numbingly repetitive and drains the film of any tension involving the main players...
So despite its faults, "The Matrix Reloaded" will be a contender for the summer's box office champ, even though it is -- in the end -- a group of underdeveloped characters in search of a plot.
Originally posted by tisoy
you better delete this thread or you are one big AS'SHAT"In case I don't see you--good afternoon, good evening and good night." -The Truman Show
Hm i am on the german side...and i can not laugh....
Still 6 Days to go...
So there's only 2 countries in the world: America and Germany? What are the rest, deserted islands?
Australian and ready to kick ya aszzzzzz
"The idea was to be a symbol. editman could be anybody, that was the point."
Trolls destroyed the Forum
my DVD/blu-ray List
damn, you people get offended real quick. and besides, if tisoy were a moderator he could ban me and delete my thread - BUT HE's NOT!! wahahaaa
I'm sorry
and yes - Australia is a deseted island (get it deserted as in covered by the desert and there's a desert in Australia, wahaa)
Again I'm sorry (this apology is for Australian people)
Originally posted by Jake
damn, you people get offended real quick. and besides, if tisoy were a moderator he could ban me and delete my thread - BUT HE's NOT!! wahahaaa
Originally posted by Jake
and yes - Australia is a deseted island (get it deserted as in covered by the desert and there's a desert in Australia, wahaa)
I don't think our friends in Eastern Europe will be very happy if you say so.
Anyway, it's a j/k I know.
Originally posted by Jake
damn, you people get offended real quick. and besides, if tisoy were a moderator he could ban me and delete my thread - BUT HE's NOT!! wahahaaa
I'm sorry
and yes - Australia is a deseted island (get it deserted as in covered by the desert and there's a desert in Australia, wahaa)
Again I'm sorry (this apology is for Australian people)
b4 u try to post anything .. THINK.... your poll options is just as offending as what i just said now...
that's going a way to far!!! and I'm not gonna go into this argument
I didn't say anything about German people (i'm half German) I just find it funny that we get to see it a week before. U can turn a joke into a big fight
No I didn't post the moderator post to find out if tisoy was a moderator, I ddin't think anyone would be offended by this thread
Originally posted by Jake
that's going a way to far!!! and I'm not gonna go into this argument
I didn't say anything about German people (i'm half German) I just find it funny that we get to see it a week before. U can turn a joke into a big fight
No I didn't post the moderator post to find out if tisoy was a moderator, I ddin't think anyone would be offended by this thread
But @ least we can enjoy 6 Days of Hype and awaiting here in germany
:big grin: :big grin: :big grin:
Originally posted by Jake
that's going a way to far!!! and I'm not gonna go into this argument
I didn't say anything about German people (i'm half German) I just find it funny that we get to see it a week before. U can turn a joke into a big fight
No I didn't post the moderator post to find out if tisoy was a moderator, I ddin't think anyone would be offended by this thread
and I don't find it funny at all that u use German as your poll option, coz at 1st i thought it had a "racist" tone. Now that u explained that "pissed" off like a german coz we only see it a week later ?.... is that what u are saying?
what "racist" tone? why would I post something racist ina thread about the release of the matrix
I'm sorry if I offended anyone, that wasn't my aim
anyway, glad that's cleared up
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