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Battlefield Earth, Glitter, Troll 2 and other lousy movies
well, there are lots of awful or bad movies out there... just check this list ,
i would agree that most of these movies listed are indeed awful, but i cant say to all of them coz i have not seen most of them.... hehehe
anyway some movies are really bad to the point that it becomes so intolerable to see but most of the time these movies IMO are sooo stupid it then becomes hilarious to watch....hehehe
try watching these movies with friends and have some beer... u would certainly laugh out load the whole time coz it becomes sooo funny ...
like Battlefield Earth .... most of us think it is bad coz the plot has serious problems, like no common sense, but anyway awful movies don’t have any common sense... to the point it becomes hilarious...hehehe
everybody is free to like or dislike any film, IMO bad movies or awful movies have a very big purpose, they make us even more appreciate GOOD MOVIES ...
u want a good laugh? .. watch aweful movies... like Troll 2 (1990) hehehe..
Thats exactly like me man......i love having a propa good laff at crap the cinemas its best wid ur mates.....cuz no1 really complains at u laffing too much...cuz they aint bothered in the crap movie
i recently had that kinda laugh wid Bullet Proof Monk, but hey....agen...some of u liked that aint gona say much about that
extremely bad movies are real fun, especially if you see them at a packed theater with 90% of the crowd not liking the film too.
did anybody here ever see "manos - the hands of fate"??
i'm very curious about that movie, i mean with 1.6/10 this should offer some funsomebody told me you have a boyfriend who looks like a girldfriend that i had in february of last year the killers
Here are two classically awful ones.
Batman and Robin
The Legend of Roan Inish
Cringe away.Are you a Mexi-CAN or a Mexi-CAN'T?
I'm SO glad to see that Bratz the movie made it on there twice. What were they thinking with that one?! Also agree with Gigli and Glitter. I haven't seen alot of the movies, but I'm probably lucking out there
I've (unfortunately) seen most of those movies. I'm surprised that most of them don't have below a 1 rating (I only wish that it was possible to give a film something below 0!!!)