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I Will Take Some Trailer Requests
I'm working on sending very high-quality QuickTime trailers to this website, and some should start appearing in the Classics in the next several weeks. So far I've sent:
Blade - trailer, The Long Kiss Goodnight - trailer, Bad Boys (1995) - trailer, Terminator 2 - teaser and 2 trailers, Jacob's Ladder - trailer, and The X-Files - teaser and 2 trailers.
So, I'll see if I can fill any URGENT trailer requests and send them to the site for later posting. No gurantees but hey I'm open for suggestion. Also, if you have trailer VOB files that I can use to convert to high-quality QuickTime, please contact me with what ones you have, and I will credit you in the video. Thanks everyone!
mmm, do u have MSN or ICQ, it would also be nice if we swap trailers using or own FTP...
and why use QT all the time for trailers. QT movie files are ok but the player is simply such a resource hog... eats lots of memory and is slow. Why not use mpeg 4 or Divx. With a bitrate of around 1500kbps (the usual QT high quality trailers) you get near DVD or VOB quality.
Have you seen the trailer Guiboche made for Se7en? I am doing that same quality... QuickTime (Sorenson 3) compression is simply higher quality, when you know how to use it correctly. I never used to like QuickTime much either until I discovered how to professionally encode it.
Also, if you have VOB files you can send me, my AIM SN is SupaDupaStrube, my MSN is SupaDupaStrube@msn.com (also my e-mail address). I don't have an FTP or ICQ.
i added u to my msn messenger...
i have to disagree with u. I have been making trailers using DivX 3 and 4 from vob files with (2 pass) at 1500kbps and the quality is much better than the Se7en trailer u are talking about. I let u copy from my FTP once u are online, and show some of my samples. The se7en trailer is even at 2000kbps and still its pixilated, with 2 pass mpeg 4 or Divx at 1500kbps the quality is near DVD, and most files at this bitarate are around 25MB to 35MB
<small>[ 05-12-2002, 08:10 PM: Message edited by: tisoy ]</small>
That’s because DivX smudges the hell out of images. If I ran a noise reduce filter through the Se7en trailer I could use a bit-rate of 1000kpbs and it would still look good. Why the hell would I though? Just to lose quality and image detail? No way.
And the bit-rate for the video portion of Se7en is actually 1536kbps, or 192k/b, so I don’t know where you are getting this 2000kbps from.
Also, the Se7en trailer is 2 minutes and 32 seconds long, and just only exceeds 30 megs.
mmm, Guiboche ... do u have anyway we can share files? I would like to show some of my Divx Trailers. Mpeg 4 or Divx is actually very good in terms of quality, if also done right. Smudged Divx trailers are those that are very low Bitrate and end up being less than 10MB (which most websites use). Most of my DivX trailers are 25MB to 35MB.
BTW.... mpeg 4 which Divx also uses was recently choosen to be the codec of HD-DVD
<a href="http://www.thedigitalbits.com/officialfaq.html#2.14" target="_blank">DVD FAQ</a>
and u are right the video bitrate of the se7en trailer is 1536kbps ..sorry
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