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did everyone hear about Roy and the white tiger?
Roy of "Siegfried and Roy" was mauled by a tiger
LAS VEGAS - Fans and employees of the Siegfried & Roy show held a candelight vigil as famed performer Roy Horn remained in critical condition after being mauled by a tiger, and the show has been canceled indefinitely, officials said.
About 200 people stood outside the hospital at University Medical Center Sunday night, where Horn, 59, is being treated. He suffered a severe wound to his neck when the 7-year-old male tiger named Montecore attacked Friday night in front of hundreds of people. Officials said Sunday he had improved and could move his hands and feet.
With the show's future uncertain, about 267 employees are out of a job.
MGM Mirage officials said the show was "closed indefinitely." They added that even if Horn recovers, it's unclear whether he would ever be able to perform again in the rigorous show.
"We are not going to sugarcoat this," MGM Mirage spokesman Alan Feldman said.
Show employees were wondering if the company would pay out the rest of their contracts.
"We are worried about him, but we also basically lost our jobs," said 42-year-old Mary Bryan, a single mother who worked with the acrobats. "We gave this show our heart and soul. It's awful we have to think about money at a time like this."
MGM Mirage officials have promised to help employees land new jobs.
Without the show, the fate of the tigers is also unknown. Montecore continues to be quarantined at the hotel, officials said.
Horn had never been injured during a show before, "not a scratch, not by an animal," said Bernie Yuman, the pair's longtime manager, who added none of the 63 exotic cats "have ever shown aggression on stage."
Horn, along with longtime partner Siegfried Fischbacher, have been a staple on the Las Vegas Strip for years, performing their magic show to sold-out crowds at The Mirage since 1990.
The illusionists, who put on one of the most well-known and expensive Las Vegas shows with their signature white tigers and lions, signed a lifetime contract with the resort in 2001.
The German-born pair perform six shows a week, 44 weeks per year and have been onstage in Las Vegas for more than 35 years. They have done about 5,700 shows since coming The Mirage in 1990.
MORE PIC: (if you don't know, roy is the dark-headed guy)
Last edited by radstar; 10-06-2003 at 10:44 PM.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
I read about this in a local newspaper today. Let's hope he recovers...
It's interesting that when a Simpsons joke becomes reality it's not funny, even scary.
"The idea was to be a symbol. editman could be anybody, that was the point."
Trolls destroyed the Forum
my DVD/blu-ray List
man, that is messed up. i feel so sorry for that man. though, it is very hard to believe that this animal that they live with all the time (even share their bed with) all of a sudden, just attacks. i am thinking something happened to spook the tiger. like some kid throwing something on stage at the tiger. i know that these tigers are not really domesticated, but still...things like this just don't happen. essepcially with the relationship they have with one another...
either way, i feel very sorry for both the man and the tiger. i just hope that they don't need to put it to sleep. considering that it is an endangered species, i really don't don't what will happen...."I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone …
but they've always worked for me,"
Hunter S.Thompson
Ouch....on a similar note, did anyone hear about that New Yorker who kept an adult tiger and alligator in his flat?
Originally posted by I Got Trailers
Ouch....on a similar note, did anyone hear about that New Yorker who kept an adult tiger and alligator in his flat?
Wait until you hear the darwin award winners here:
And better yet...
Here's what are the Darwin Awards:
The Darwin Awards honor those who improve our gene pool... by removing themselves from it. These men and women gave their "all" in an effort to improve the human species. Of necessity, the honor is generally bestowed posthumously.
LOL Love this pic
Originally posted by editman
It's interesting that when a Simpsons joke becomes reality it's not funny, even scary.
Originally posted by editman Ouch....on a similar note, did anyone hear about that New Yorker who kept an adult tiger and alligator in his flat?
You should've seen the way NYPD carried the animals out - commando style!
Originally posted by Jake
I love NY
You should've seen the way NYPD carried the animals out - commando style!
Originally posted by Jake
You should've seen the way NYPD carried the animals out - commando style!Are you a Mexi-CAN or a Mexi-CAN'T?
I don't know about underpants
but they rapelled down into the windows and brought in emergency services and lots of regular cops
Anyway, from what I remember teh story was that the guy didn't want the zoo to kill them so he kept them...or something like that ( i know that happened once I just can't remember if it was this time)
hey blugh... i love ur sig! that's the quote from Once Upon a Time in Mexico... right?
From IMDb.com
Siegfried & Roy star Roy Horn has been airlifted to a new hospital in Los Angeles as he continues to battle back from his near-fatal tiger attack earlier this month. The pair's manager Bernie Yuman insists the move from Las Vegas, Nevada's University Medical Center is further proof the illusionist is getting better. He says, "All of us in the Siegfried & Roy family are encouraged by his remarkable will and progress during this challenging time."