Does James Cameron want to take his short-lived TV Series, “Dark Angel”, and put it on the big screen? A’la “Firelfy”. Jessica Alba said he does, well at one point he did. “Jim talked to me about doing a movie... I don't know. I think it's done. It was so hard trying to keep up the integrity of the story and the character with the studio and the network. I don't know. I don't think so. I want to work with Jim again but I think Max is done.”, the actress told Coming Soon. Can’t see Ms Alba knocking back her own film franchise though, especially after the reportedly crumby “Honey” comes out.But on the other end, why would James Cameron want to do an expensive film based on a show that didn't last too long. I mean, he says no "Terminator 3" and yes to "Dark Angel : The Movie"?


Hmm As much as I love Dark Angel, I want J.C. to first report on Battle Angel Alita.