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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    New York, USA

    Street Fighter 15th Anniversary Game

    Hey guys,

    To anyone whose a classic "Street Fighter II" game fan, check this out. Capcom is releasing a new version of it's popular fighter for it's 15th Anniversary! Titled: Hyper Street Fighter II: Anniversary Edition"

    Here's some details:
    "Officially announced a couple weeks ago, Capcom officially unveiled Hyper Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition at its TGS '03 Press Meeting. The game, as you probably have guessed, is not an official sequel in the long-running series of fighting games, but is instead a unique twist on the game that we all know and love. For release this December in Japan, the PlayStation 2 fighter is a mix of previous Street Fighter II editions, namely Street Fighter II, Super Street Fighter II, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo, which is being used as the base of the game. The fighter will feature the character versions found in each of the games, as well as any other features such as the Super meter. That means you'll be able to concoct such matches as Chun Li from the original Street Fighter II versus the Super Street Fighter II game, complete with fireball and super moves."

    Sounds pretty cool! Click the link below for more info/pics!
    15th Anniversary Link

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Still the best beat-em-up series, but will speed be improved to compare to the Alpha games?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Mel, AU
    Chun-Li used to be my babe... She's always my favourite and being not good at videogame at all, I'm only 'good' playing with her character.

    I presume this will be available in all formats? (PS2? X-box? Gamecube?... Super-Nintendo? )

    "The idea was to be a symbol. editman could be anybody, that was the point."

    Trolls destroyed the Forum

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    London, UK
    Great game!!! this game is da reason as to why my thumb is sooo messed up!! da alpha games were maad aswell!! i remember playin once on da ps1 till my thumb actually started bleeding and da controller was no longer gray!! yes it was a disgusting sight...but i aint too good at loosing bets....atleast i won da game! lolz Definetly a classic!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    New York, USA
    To add to the coolness...there is also a new BGM release coming out to coincide with the 15th anniversary!

    Capcom assembles game-music composers for series' 15th-anniversary CD.

    TOKYO--Capcom has announced that it will release a compilation CD of soundtrack music to celebrate the Street Fighter series' 15th anniversary. Creatively titled Street Fighter Tribute Album, the disc will feature Street Fighter II series theme songs reorchestrated by 12 game-music composers.

    Artists include well-known figures such as Yasunori Mitsuda of Xenogears and Youko Shimomura of Kingdom Hearts, who was one of the original Street Fighter II composers before moving on to work under Square Enix. The full list of composers is as follows:

    Ayako Sasou (Ridge Racer series, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance)
    Hiroaki Yoshida (Fighter's History, Chernov)
    Kouji Hayama (Chou Aniki series)
    Manami Matsumae (Mega Man, Derby Stallion)
    Motoaki Furukawa (Gladius series, Guitar Freaks series)
    Shinji Hosoe (Dragon Spirit, Ridge Racer series)
    Takayuki Aihira (Tekken 2, Street Fighter EX series)
    Takenobu Mitsuyoshi (Daytona USA series, Virtua Fighter series)
    Yasuhisa Watanabe (Border Down, Metal Black)
    Yasunori Mitsuda (Xenosaga, Chrono Cross)
    Youko Shimomura (Street Fighter II, Kingdom Hearts)
    Yuzou Koshiro (Y's, Sonic the Hedgehog)
    The CD is scheduled for release in Japan on December 17, at the retail price of 3,150 yen ($29).

    Whoa...I'm there!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Ottawa, ON, Canada
    Super Street Fighter II Ultra Mega Anniversary Edition: No, we haven't learned how to count to 3 yet.
    Are you a Mexi-CAN or a Mexi-CAN'T?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by blugh
    Super Street Fighter II Ultra Mega Anniversary Edition: No, we haven't learned how to count to 3 yet.
    Street Fighter III: New Generation
    Street Fighter III: Second Impact
    Street Fighter III: Double Impact
    Street Fighter III: Third Strike

    Solid games but the characters weren't as well balanced so I reccomend sticking with Aloha 3.
    Last edited by carl; 12-12-2003 at 07:21 AM.

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