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Thread: Mission : Impossible 3
Mission : Impossible 3
Mission : Impossible 3 will be directed by david fincher. Fincher is a great director but I wouldn't see him direct mission impossible but I hope he'll do a good job because the second one was really crappy.
MI:3 ... yahoooo
MI:2 was not crappy, it was even better than the 1st one which had so many many plot twists....twisting all around..lol
the good thing about this is that every MI movie has a different director, making each movie unique and special....
but David Fincher needs a very good script to work on, since he is a director using more visuals and atmosphere/mode.... without a really good plot and really good acting/actors David Fincher makes a not so good movie... oh well all directors end up like that
some directors are good with story telling like Steven Soderbergh. David Fincher and G Lucas for example rely more on visuals and cinematic styles.....
I just dont think that its an 'Fincher' Movie. I think they should stop while they are ahead.
Well, it might be a decent movie... Fincher does really cool hand to hand combat, and if there's more of that than John Woo gunplay, this might be worth seeing.
Are you a Mexi-CAN or a Mexi-CAN'T?
Originally posted by tisoy
David Fincher and G Lucas for example rely more on visuals and cinematic styles.....
Fincher's movies are, besides being visually brilliant, perfect examples of storytelling and narration. Don't be blended by Fincher's cinematic skills, his movies always hold a message ... but you have to think to get it. That's why I like his movies so much...they are not superficial, they are deeeeeeeep.
Originally posted by Mischa
Fincher's movies are, besides being visually brilliant, perfect examples of storytelling and narration. Don't be blended by Fincher's cinematic skills, his movies always hold a message ... but you have to think to get it. That's why I like his movies so much...they are not superficial, they are deeeeeeeep.
1st David Fincher does not have a very long list of movies he made, and most of his movies are very overated and once again very much on VISUAL styles.... which i like
Director - filmography
(2000s) (1990s) (1980s)
Mission: Impossible 3 (2004) ?
Panic Room (2002)
Madonna: The Video Collection 93:99 (1999) (V)
Fight Club (1999)
Game, The (1997)
Se7en (1995)
Aerosmith: Big Ones You Can Look at (1994) (V)
Alien³ (1992)
Madonna: The Immaculate Collection (1990) (V) (Express Yourself, Oh Father, Vogue)
Beat of the Live Drum, The (1985)
this is his movie list =).... so not much there... and so far only Fight CLub and Seven are "with" deep meesage as u say........
Even Panic Room look very good visually but it was very senseless to me
i also noticed that directors having worked with Music Vidoes have very good visuals when they make Movies...... example: Tarsem SinghLast edited by trailergod; 07-07-2002 at 05:30 AM.
Im with Mischa on this one.
And I think hes my favorite director. Alien 3the game
fight club
a tad disapointed on panic room though
He makes smart movies, with good pace and story telling AND (not rely on) visualy appealing. and thats not common daysLast edited by Gaumont; 07-07-2002 at 02:33 PM.
"A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism." / Carl Sagan
You guys have lost it! MI 1 had a superior story to MI 2! MI 2 was a giant load of crap! Bad script, bad!! Fincher is a good director and everything, but if they don't come up with a good script it won't matter who directs it.
I'm with Vader on this one... and PLEASE don't put Fincher in the same boat as Lucas... I don't think it was Panic Room cups they were selling at Taco Bell. :p
Fincher is good.
Fincher will bring his visual style to whatever project he does, and M:I has some neat ideas, stuff like the gadgets, voice alterers, etc... Fincher went INSIDE a lot of objects in FC, he might do that here as well, to great effect... I hope. And much as I hate to say it, Cruise makes decent action movies. I hope this does well, but who knows? This is all speculation. It could be Baz Luhrmann directing for all we know. (Wouldn't THAT be interesting....)
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