Alright when I was younger I remember watching this movie, I only got to see the beginning of it, so maybe someone out there knows:

The story is about a women who is married to a cop who abuses her. One day she is out shopping at I think the grocery store or something. She's wearing sunglasses to hide a black eye her husband gave her. So anyway she runs into a fellow cop, and at one point she lifts up her sunglasses and the cop sees her black eye. The cop then talks to her husband while they are at work and basically says stop abusing your wife, apologize ect

During all the abuse, the wife decides to start taking a class ( I think it's a cooking class but I'm not sure) and she meets this guy she talks about to her sister or someone. She talks about how nice this guys is, and that's as far is it goes.

So one day you see the husband come home to apologize to his wife, he has flowers in his hand. And has he is apologizing. Out of nowhere comes the guys she met in her class (he must have been hiding in a bedroom or something and no one knew) and shoots the husband! Then I believe the woman passes out.

When she wakes up she is at the mans house. She says she has to leave, but he basically says if you leave I'll tell them you killed your husband.

So that's about all of the movie I got to watch. So hopefully someone out there has seen it and know what the movie is called. And then again maybe I dreamed the whole thing lol