Ok, I remember watching this movie in the 90's. It starts with a sick old lady looking at her self in the mirror and saying something like, "today's a good day to die." It then cuts to her as a younger woman with her daughter. I remember she ends up catching one of her neighbors raping his mentally retarded daughter and then she stabs him and takes the mentally challenged daughter to live with her. The father leaves town after his wounds heal.

She also finds a big strong handicapped guy being abused, and he ends up leaving that family to live with her.

Her daughter also tells her she wants to get pregnant. So the mother arranges for her daughter to hook up with some guy with a motorcycle. They sleep together, and she ends up pregnant. She ends up having a girl with blonde hair, and I want to say her name was "Amy."

Anyway, I remember the daughter had a talent and was real good at painting, and her grand daughter was exceptionally smart. I know there's a part where the rapist father comes back to town; ends up raping Amy. The townspeople get together and drown the man in a well, founain, or something.

At the end, it cuts back to the old lady on her deathbed. It goes around the room to all her friends and family. Her daughter has become a lesbian, and it says she deals with her grief by painting a gourgeous painting. The granddaughter deals with her grief by writing a great story. The big disabled guy and the mentally handicapped girl end up a couple as well.