Quote Originally Posted by gerata View Post
Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum (registration wise), but I've been reading a lot of threads for quite some time and watched a lot of good movies discussed here.
But the time has come for me to ask you - what's that movie called ? It's been bugging me for 1 month, tried to google it, browsed a lot of forums (including this one) - Nothing !
(I watched this movie long time ago and all I got is just small pieces of the puzzle)
So here we go...

There's a guy who has a big farm and a lot of land, there's nothing civilized around and he's got a bunch of ppl working for him / living in his property (lets think of it as a closed society). To be able to leave that place you have to walk through a deep dark forest and everyone has been told not to go there because there's a big monster wolf who would kill them on sight. What actually is going on - the owner of the whole place / landlord or whatever is the one who dresses as a wolf every time someone tries to escape and either kills him/her or drives him/her back. Then a young girl/woman tries to escape, he puts the wolf costume on, tries to kill her in the woods, but somehow she manages to kill him and after that she proceeds through the forest, at the end of which she sees wall/fence. After she climbs it, she sees a highway in front of her...

That's all I can remember and there's a possibility that I made up something while trying to describe the movie.

Would really appreciate it if someone can help me out, 'cause like I said - its been a month trying to think of the name of that movie...

Thank you in advance

Best Regards

Alexander Hernandez
Sounds like The Village by M. Night Shyamalan. If it`s not, then that plot is very similar.

Synopsis:" In a quiet, isolated village in olde Pennsylvania, there lies a pact between the people of the village and the creatures who reside in the surrounding woods: the townspeople do not enter the woods, and the creatures do not enter the village. The pact stays true for many years, but when Lucius Hunt seeks medical supplies from the towns beyond the wood, the pact is challenged. Animal carcasses, devoid of fur, begin to appear around the village, causing the council of elders to fear for the safety of the village, the pact, and so much more."