Originally posted by Kn'thrak
The point of xXx was to make a 007 for todays generation.. and it works perfectly. Loved it for that. Current 007 flicks are going down in quality but I'm still looking forward to Die Another Day (seeing tomororw). 007 is trying to keep its pants on and beat xXx which is different. 007 has lost its type of genre movie... a purely spy movie. I guess some blame can go with Russian being allies now but Hollywood wants to show that but its only fiction stories and movies. U can still carry on spy stuff between the most powerful countires.

Agreed thats its too much of a popcorn flick. Mystery is what 007 is about!
I disagree. xXx and 007 are totally different. While the 007 series relies heavily on convoluted plots and the same lovable old James Bond, xXx insults its viewers with action sequences that do not compliment the plot. It also insults the viewer's intelligence, while the James Bond series has always carried on coherent and sometimes very complex storylines.