This was something that I was thinking about today. What are the best of the worst sequels ever made? Tell me your favorites. However, there are some rules... 1) It has to be a sequel and not a spin-off (Sorry, Elektra fans) 2) It has to be a "bad film" (ie Godfather Part II doesn't count but Godfather Part III does) 3)A series of movies does not make a sequel (ie The Bond movies don't count because there is no running character thread from film to film, yet Friday the 13th does)

Here's my list...

1. Alien3
2. Army of Darkness
3. Scream 2
4. Jaws 2
5. Jason X
6. Predator 2
7. Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
8. Lethal Weapon 4
9. Die Hard 2: Die Harder
10. Ghostbusters 2