After my last post some people thought I gave away too much info just by saying "They showed a lot of the Kong vs. Rex fight which was unbelievable. At the end they showed this great seen of the old fighter pilots closing in on Kong as he stands on top of the Empire State Building. Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts) Screaming NOOOO! at the pilots not to shoot. As they begin to open fire Kong jumps and just creams the hell out of one of the planes. I got chills all over." For those of you who would like details I am posting in this thread marked Spoiler. First off they showed several scenes in which Kong and T-Rex face off head to head. There was one scene in particular in which the T-Rex gets knocked off the side of a cliff only to be tangled up in Vines dangling hundred of feet above a gorge. Darrow falls down into the mix only to be saved by Kong. After that Kong continues the fight with the Rex as they begin to plumit to earth through the vines. It is hard to put into words, but it looked amazing. They showed several intimate scenes between Kong and Darrow. You can tell the relationship between the two will be very emotional and developed, making it very hard to see the planes coming in hard on Kong. I think thats the main reason why the audience was wowing when Kong just creamed the plane that was opening fire on him. There was another quick scene in which the brociosaurous (definately did not spell that right), the long neck dinosaurs that you see running throught the valley in the trailer falls (or gets knocked) off the side of a cliff. Now I am a huge animal lover and I get really pissed when animals get hurt in movies, so I am sure there will be people who get upset by that and kong's destiny, however just to watch the sheer size of this dinosaur was quite a sight. Hope you enjoy the movie as much as I will. If I think of anything else I will post it here.