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  1. #46
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Prague, Czech Republic
    okay, watched 4,5,6,1,2,3
    now lets see it for a first time in 1-6
    1) wow, I like those guyz with lightsabers, they are so cool. Hey, this old-like senator in a coat-looking guy wanna kill´em! Whoa, I dont like them anymore, this D.Maul´s so cool! Kick their ***!! Hey! Little boy?! Is this going to be a fairytale or what? And this JJB creature?! Whats that supposed to mean?...hey, theres more of ´em? least some cool action. Wow, lightsaber fight! Kill´em DM! Yeah, first one´s gone. Hey, that little destroyed whole spaceship? Bullshit! Ah, young Ben is angry, yeah, kick his ***, I dont like DM anymore....DEAD.Niiiice! Hey, little green friend sayz somethin´bout more than one Darth Maul. Does this mean theres gonna be more movies with this little boy and JJB? No thanks.
    2)That little one´s grown. But princess seems younger! That Yoda does so to! Hey, aint this senator that one who trained in EI DM? No, it cannot be. I dont understand why they made second ep. Ok, someone want to kill Padme, so dis is goin´to b ´bout that? And what about those clones in "Attack of the clones".Is ther going to be more of Darth Mauls? Hope so....oh, these are the clones and Obi has ´em! Cool! Now go to get that cool-lookin´assasin! Hey, next sith! Hey Saruman with lightsaber! I dont understand this thing. Why is this all happenin´? Oh, I understand, they wanna rule the galaxy, sure, thats simple...well with these clones they might, but they belong to Jedi and republic. WTF? WOW! WAR! COOOOOL!!! FIGHT! MORE JEDIES!!!! AND MORE! WOW! COOOOOOL! Hey, they´r dyin´! WHoa, Yoda and the clones! Bang! The War has began! I still see no reason, but who cares...somethin´ to do with separatists or what. Ok. Hey, Saruman again. Obi´s weak. Ani looses his hand, lol, such a dude. Clip clap. YODA! Hey he´s cool! Everythin´s so cool in those StarWars! Gettin´ married? Oh, comeon! That means its gonna continue? Who´s that Lucas?!
    3) Battle! A HUUUGE BATTLE! Amazing. Saruman!...dead. hey, senator! Dont listen to him Ani, he´s a Sith! Oh, I understand now, he want Ani ´coz Ani´s strong! Yeah, I see it...oh, here it comes! Clones attack Jedies? WTF?! Oh no, thats so sad...tears...tears...PAUSE, goin´ to toilete, more tears. I hate´em those sith or who are they and Ani too!What an idiot! Oh, he does it all for a girl and then kills her? What a idiot! Kill him Obi! Yeah! Die in HELL! BURN! DIE!....hey?! survived? doesnt matter, he´s un-useable....what a cool dress! And he smashes it all! Hey, I really love him. And he´s a father! What a lucky man. Oh, so thats the end, they ruled tha galaxy and lived happily ever after...or not? What ´bout those babies? Dunno
    4) Oh, so theres fourth one...this GL is really crazy man, where does he gets those ideas? Everything seems so old here. Sith doesnt rule very well I guess. Oh, next Skywalker, Ben, dont I know Ben?...oh, this Ben....dead...****, everybody dies here, only the evil ones stay. Luke knows ****, how could he defeat empire? Ok, some smuggler and some next princess...aint she his sista? Who cares...So this Skywalker destroyed DeathStar, hmmm, like little Skywalker in E1, I remember. There ARE some connections between´em. Vader survived, great.
    5(Empire strikes back...what? Hes his father? Why does he says that so drammatic? Thats no news. Just dunno why Ben didnt tell Luke before he died. Or why that little puppet - Yoda didnt do so. Strange. Solo
    6) Well I have enought! How many is ther gonna be?!! 6is enought! Kill´em all. What are those little shitty creatures? I still remember that JJB, this is same. Luke will die, I´m sure ´bout that! Oh, emperor, he got, smash Skywalker! Yeah! What? VAder kills emperor? WTF! Oh, I understand, he turns to the light side...Solo and Leia, oh no! - more children - next three movies? JESUS! They just saved the galagy,what could possibly happen?!

    no more?....

    seems so....

    I´m sure some will come

    Me angry! Where´s my food!

    My DVD Collection, My Blu-ray collection

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Skopje, Macedonia
    My first contact with Star Wars was in the late '80s, but it was not with the movies themselves. I first got my hands on the comic book adaptations by Al Williams for The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi. I was immediately fascinated by what I've read/seen, so I started looking for the movies. I found them on video, but only Episodes V and VI, just like the comics. It wasn't until months later that I watched Episode IV, also on video (I still haven't seen any of the Original Trilogy episodes on the big screen). Episode V has since been my all-time favourite movie.
    Then came Episodes I-III.
    About viewing order for those who haven't seen them - I would suggest IV-VI, I-III. That's the best way I think, and it's already been discussed why.
    Last edited by lafce; 11-12-2005 at 09:44 PM.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Iowa City, IA
    I've recanted my previous statement about watching them for the first time from I-VI. I think that the ideas of the Force are brought up better in IV and V than in I. However, after knowing the whole story, it's cool to watch it from I-VI to see the full arc of Anakin. It's great that the series is rather flexible in its approach.

    Since I have seen all the films already, it's impossible to predict how I would think of the films if I had seen them first from I-VI. I probably would have noticed the effects problems in IV first and foremost. The Death Star battle looks rather cheap in comparison to battles with little emotional impact in other films (like the end battle in I). Which is why I'm for effects changes in the films, sorry to bring that full circle.

    I probably would have felt differently about the Vader reveal at the end of V than the rest of the people have in the forum. I probably would have been more surprised at his offer to his son to overthrow the Emporer than the fact that he's his father. However, yes, I agree that isn't as strong of an emotional response. IV-VI would probably be best watched first FOR THE FIRST VIEWINGS.

    I remember reading in the "The Making of Episode III" that they were going to have Jar Jar in the ending montage on Alderaan with the Organa family. Then Jar Jar would have died a horrible death on Alderaan in IV.

    If Lucas makes these changes to the saga, I would have my first viewing be this.

    Episode IV (Theatrical Version)
    Episode V (Theatrical Version)
    Episode VI (Theatrical Version)
    Episode I (New Edition)
    Episode II (New Edition)
    Episode III (New Edition)
    Episode IV (New Edition)
    Episode V (New Edition)
    Episode VI (New Edition)

    That way they are introduced to the saga in the most profound way at the beginning, but also get to see Anakin's arc with the new effects, viewing I-VI but with different versions.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I'm re-editing the prequels right now... I've already done a rough re-edit on ep3 and am now in the process of doing a better quality version. It's a long process, but Damn, it is a blast.
    I might try and put 1 and 2 together since 1 was mostly a waste of time. We'll see. I'm also going back and fixing what Lucas did in the old trilogy. Han will shoot first again... I promise. Unfortunately I won't be able to re-edit the 5.1 surround sound, but I feel ProLogic II will suffice.

    IM me if you have any questions.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Skopje, Macedonia
    Something Star Wars related (didn't want to start a new thread, so I put it here) from

    * here's the link:
    * or read it here:

    Attack of the Holes
    Now that Revenge of the Sith is out on DVD, all of our Star Wars questions have been answered, right? Weesa don't think so.
    Maxim Online, November 2005
    By Eric Alt

    This happened…
    Chancellor Palpa-Sidious seduces Anakin by telling him tales of Sith lords who learned to defeat death itself. He plies the young man with tales of Darth Plageus, wine, and possibly a muscle relaxant or two, and the kid's ready to earn his evil merit badge.
    Then this happened…
    Anakin, annoyed by the appearance of Obi-Wan in the middle of he and his wife's romantic getaway on a planet covered in lava, gets so pissed off he…tries to kill his wife.
    So, WTF?
    So he becomes a Sith lord to save her, then tries to kill her. Women…can't live with 'em, can't force-choke 'em.

    This happened…
    Obi-Wan Kenobi watches as Padme Amidala gives birth to twins named Luke and Leia. He then plots alongside Yoda and Bail Organa to split the children up and hide them.
    Then this happened…
    In The Empire Strikes Back, the ghost of Obi-Wan watches Luke rush off to save his friends on Bespin, sighing wistfully, "That boy is our last hope." Yoda then murmurs, "No…there is another."
    So, WTF?
    "…which you may remember, since present at her friggin' birth you were!" Um, did Obi-Wan just somehow forget about Leia, or is he just a misogynist? Speaking of which, why does Yoda say "No, there is another?" Wouldn't it be more correct to say, "No. Another there is?" (But nit-picking, that just is.)

    This happened…
    The twins are born, and Padme dies.
    Then this happened…
    In Return of the Jedi, Luke breaks the news to Leia that she is, in fact, his sister by asking her if she remembers her mother. Leia replies, "Just a little bit, she died when I was very young."
    So, WTF?
    No s**t "very young." You were approximately 2.3 seconds old when she kicked. Oh, and Luke, you were there, too, buddy.

    This happened…
    Twins. Born. Got it?
    Then this happened…
    Obi-Wan appears at the farm of Owen and Beru Lars, who are just kickin' it, you know, staring at the sunset and s**t—that's how they do. Obi-Wan drops off a baby, doesn't say a word, and leaves.
    So, WTF?
    Obi-Wan had never met Owen and Beru. In fact, they barely knew Anakin except for that one time he came over all antsy and ended up killing an entire tribe of Sandpeople. So this strange dude rides up and hands them a baby, and they just return to searing their retinas?

    This happened…
    Yoda tells Obi-Wan that, if he practices, he can learn to "commune with the Force" and do that cool ghost-thing he ends up doing in both The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. It's further suggested that Obi-Wan can stave off Tatooine cabin fever by chilling with the ghost of his former mentor Qui-Gon Jinn.
    Then this happened…
    At the end of Return of the Jedi, Obi-Wan and Yoda appear as ghosts to the triumphant Luke…but so does Anakin. And in the Super Special DVD editions, he looks like Hayden Christensen.
    So, WTF?
    How did Vader learn to do that? Obi-Wan and Yoda spent lots of downtime honing the art, and Vader does it like it's no big deal? And how come he comes back young and they're both elderly?

    This happened…
    In the animated Clone Wars shorts, General Grievous is a silent-but-deadly Jedi assassin so badass, he even makes that one dude with the penis-head sweat in his robes.
    Then this happened…
    The live-action Grievous? A sniveling coward with asthma. Just the sound of a lightsaber turning on sends him fleeing like a Frenchman.
    So, WTF?
    Was Lucas so pissed that Genndy Tartakovsky basically did in three-minute shorts what he couldn't accomplish in three entire movies that he sabotaged the animator's creation? Don't underestimate the bearded one…
    Last edited by lafce; 11-15-2005 at 02:41 PM.

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    in a galaxie far far away
    funny...but true

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States
    Some of it seems true, but then again, some seems like strong knit-picking.

    "Suddenly I heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. You heard me rapping, Right?"

  8. #53
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Prague, Czech Republic
    lol, f´ing funny! There are lot more, but Í dont consider it as a big mistakes. I dont look for ´em, so I dont care.....

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    This one's easy: Remove George Lucas from the writing/directing process. He can be responsible for creative choices in post-production (except during the ADR process, he can't play then either), but take him away from anything having to do with working with actors.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Iowa City, IA
    He's a good producer. Just look at Episode V. However, I do have to agree with you. When he gets too much power, he gets a little loopy.

    Editor: "I think we should cut this balcony scene between Anakin and Padme. It isn't quite working."
    Lucas: "You underestimate my power!!!"

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