Still makes streamers are useless. I don't even download them them cose someone will make a downloadable version. Like Mischa says, y waste the space and time download them.
I view them but taking the time to save the streamers and store them? A much better version will always be out the next day or more.

And with streamers, why the low quality? Ppl still use crappy 640 res monitors? Most ppl don't download crap quality trailers but rather store the watchable ones. Streamers are even watchable at times cose of traffic.
I don't mind dissapointing, i'm not trying to kiss-ass.
Most of the best trailers, Apple has made for us. Any good trailer or popular one, Apple will have. Apple is just a promotional tool. COmpanies approach Apple and ask them to advertise their product.

I will be happy with streamers, when they become prefect quality but that won't happy untill, everyone has the net and speed to watch them like that.
No doubt in the future, everything will be streamed. If u want something, u go download it which will come up right away. No waiting. We can only dream