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  1. #1
    j7wild Guest

    Question Question about a Canadian movie !!

    Ginger Snaps Trilogy!!

    Anyone seen these?

    Are they worth buying?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Here I come to save the day!!

    Well I haven't seen all of them I did see the first one.
    I watched it when it had just been released and I though werewolves are cool if done right. So I after watching it I was like so yeah I though it was a pretty sucky movie some parts of it were alright but as a whole it wasn't that good. Basically This film uses werewolfism as a metaphor for puberty and all that jazz.

    As for the second I never see it because the first one wasn't all that good and I wasn't going to waste my time watching the second part of something when i though the first part was bad.

    As for the 3rd one I was shocked that they even made a 3rd one the only thing I know about it is its some type of prequel that takes place in the 19th Century.

    As for your question "Are they worth buying?" I would personally say No I would actually spend money on something else. but being that its your money you can spend it on anything you want...but, before you rush out a buy this Trilogy I would suggest you actually sit down and watch them first before buying. Then after watching them if you like them then buy and if you don't like them then consider your money saved!

  3. #3
    j7wild Guest
    Thanks Web Slinger; I'll go see if I can find them at Hollywood Video

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Not a problem, all in a days work!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    j7wild, I'm gonna have to disagree with the_Web_Slinger and say Yes they are worth buying. At least part 1 and 2 are.

    I thought part 1 was great. And part 2 was even better. Part 3 is kinda..... unfortunately.

    If you can get part 1 & 2 seperate, do that

    Oh, and get the Canadian Editions of the DVDs. They have better transfers, better features, better everything.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Daly City, CA
    I've seen all three and must say that the 3rd one was my favorite. The first was pretty interesting, but the second just didn't do it for me. I personally don't like movies that take place in insane asylums (or submarines). I don't know why, I just don't.

    This is not to say that the movies are perfect, but I do enjoy monster movies.
    If you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos...then you probably haven't completely understood the seriousness of the situation.

  7. #7
    j7wild Guest

    Red face

    I am watching #1 right now;

    y'all forgot to mention to me not to watch these movies while I am having dinner!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Moved from Minas Tirith!!! Direction of my new path is not so clear, but I think I'm on the way to MY SHIRE
    It must be very good movie, if you write during watching...

  9. #9
    j7wild Guest
    oh great!

    that's more information about a Woman's Period than I ever wanted to know!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Moved from Minas Tirith!!! Direction of my new path is not so clear, but I think I'm on the way to MY SHIRE
    Now you are expert

  11. #11
    j7wild Guest

    They should use part of this movie to promote Safe Sex!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Moved from Minas Tirith!!! Direction of my new path is not so clear, but I think I'm on the way to MY SHIRE
    Naked Gun - best safe sex promotion ever

  13. #13
    j7wild Guest
    I just finished watching GS 2, compared to the first one, I am not that impressed by it!!

    Hopefully GS 3 will be better!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Daly City, CA
    Brigitte - "I'm cold"
    Ginger - "I'm not"

    I like that line for some reason

  15. #15
    j7wild Guest
    I am watching GS 3 right now and I found this that someone posted at

    Interesting, quite Interesting!!

    Spoilers Abound!! You've Been Warned!!

    Let me start out by saying that by pointing out the lesbian subtext in the GS movies I am not "putting them down" or anything. Homosexuality is a fact of life, it's hard to address the topic in mainstream movies, and so the movie & TV creators get creative (see Xena).

    My proposition is that in one sense, the relationship between B & G that develops during the three movies is more of a romantic than sisterly nature. By portraying them as sisters instead of lovers, the creators of GS can get away with depicting the unbelievably close relationship between them.

    Brigitte & Ginger have built themselves an utopian Never-Neverland world where men don't exist, they never sexually mature (no periods), and they can enjoy each other's company "forever" (indeed, their catchphrase is "Together Forever."

    Further, every cute guy that crosses their path and displays the slightest bit of interest in them have a habit of getting disemboweled. Every single one. Whereas in a "regular" teen movie these guys would be the hunky leading men who end up with the girl, in the GS trilogy they are merely wolf-fodder, interpreted as threats to the "pure" relationship of B & G (and, in GS2, Ghost).

    Let's do this movie-by-movie:

    Ginger Snaps: This is probably the least "gay" of all three films, and I can almost "buy" the relationship between the girls as being simply that of two close sisters. However, there are some quirks. If someone had to choose between the two sisters as who was more likely to be a lesbian, I'll bet B would be picked most. But actually, it is Ginger who displays the most gay/bi-sexual tendencies, and Brigitte who appears to be a very shy girl with frustrated heterosexual desires. Ginger is unusually obsessed with the mean pretty girl at school, and makes almost sexually aggressive moves & comments to her when she attacks her in the kitchen. Later, when B & G are putting the body in the freezer & G comments on how "cute" the mean girl was, G asks her "if I wasn't here would you EAT her?" But far more telling is G's insane jealousy over B's relationship with Sam--it seems far more like that of a jilted lover than a sister. And the scene that clinches it for me is when Ginger, "wolfing-out," is lying on top of Brigitte and says that they aren't even sisters anymore, no longer the same species, and that they could now "swap some juice." Why is it so important for G to point out that they aren't even sisters anymore--because if they aren't sisters it will be ok for G to act out her latent homosexual desires for B. And "swap some juice" is pretty damn obvious, I think.

    Ginger Snaps Unleashed: Again, I don't see Brigitte as gay in this film--merely a very sexually insecure & shy young woman (and now with a very good reason). Ghost, on the other hand, totally has a gay crush on B. Ghost is figuratively the "ghost" of Ginger--and it is she who takes on the role as obsessive killer lesbian (a movie cliche, to be sure). If you observe carefully the way Ghost interacts with B--the body language and speech--it is just like a nervous young girl in front of a boy she really likes. And Ghost's jealousy over the orderly who comes on to Brigitte is quite obvious. As Ghost herself admits at the end of the movie, the orderly was going to take B away from her--that's why she had to fake the rape & trick B into killing him. At the end of the movie, Ghost gets what she desires--B in her basement, together with her forever. The last shot of the movie depicts what sort of fantasies Ghost with her burgeoning new hormonal drive is entertaining--not that of handsome young men carrying her off to the sunset, but of her partnering with Brigitte. It also should be noted that while Ginger's "love" for B was somewhat "true" and "pure," Ghost is definitely a psychotic & a sadist who enjoys torturing & "enslaving" other women. Let's all hope B gets out of that basement somehow.

    Ginger Snaps Back: This movie is completely gay. You can flame me all you want, I stand by this assessment. The love that B & G openly (and often) profess for each other in GS3 is definitely not the sisterly kind. This movie is a love story between two women. And if you don't take my word for it, listen to Emily "B" Perkins talk in an interview about GS3 for "it's a really kind of a romantic story about Brigitte and Ginger--it plays up the romance between those two girl characters." Perkins is no dummy--she read the script and the lesbian subtext was obvious. I will go so far as to say that the epic lesbian romance portrayed in this film rivals that of Heavenly Creatures--and the 2 films have more than that in common. As made clear in the director commentary, B & G in the film have murdered their parents (just like the girls in Heavenly Creatures kill the mother)--though they lie about it & say the parents drowned. I will go one step further--I think these girls are even lying about being sisters, and they were just two girls at camp who fell in love and killed the parents when they got in the way. But my wild theorizing aside, the incredible bond and love these girls share is mythic in proportions, very explicitly stated by everyone, makes the men at the fort hostile towards them for apparently "no reason," and makes them utterly despised by the preacher. Once again, the hunky guy is killed by one of the girls so there are no (male) obstacles to them being together. The fort & the soldiers represents the world of male sexuality that B & G shun. When B lies in G's arms at the end of the movie, the fort burning in the background, it is like the last bits of "male threat" are gone & now they can be "together forever"--they are finally free to have the relationship they want. However, the removal of Brigitte's hetero-angst--replaced now with a complete & open love for Ginger--does break the tone & characterization of the other two films. I never saw B as even being the least bit tempted into homosexuality in the other two films. While the quite blatant love affair between the girls in GS3 is a treat to me as a viewer who loves to pick-up subtext in mainstream films, it just doesn't fit with the other two films.

    "But ours was a story of survival, of two sisters bound by blood, a bond that would not be broken. That was our promise, above all--above men, above God, above fate."

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