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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Carlitos way Teaser?

    Hi movie buffs ...I have been on a long search for the "Carlitos Way" teaser from the great 1993 film with al pacino. This is probaly one of best teasers I have ever scene but it was not out for too long. I have searched the far corners of the internet for it but I cant seem to find it. It was shown during the movie the fugitive when it was out in theatres and it was also shown on "E movie previews" when that show used to be aired on the E entertainment channel. I would greatly appreciate if anyone has this teaser and could email it to me or post it on this forum it would be greatly appreciated to this movie fanactic. Remember this is the teaser not the theatrical trailer which can be found on the this site. The teaser opens up with sound byte clips of Al pacino from his famous line in the godfather, dog day afternoon, scent of a women, then the teaser opens up into the Carlitos way film...Its really an awsome teaser and should be appreciated by movie buffs. Thanks!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Mel, AU
    Thread moved.

    I would not hold my breath if I were you. As you said,

    Quote Originally Posted by chicubs111 View Post
    The teaser opens up with sound byte clips of Al pacino from his famous line in the godfather, dog day afternoon, scent of a women, then the teaser opens up into the Carlitos way film...
    With that many audio clips from different films made by different studios, Universal would probably have to pay some amount of licencing fees to Paramount & Warner Bros before they can distribute the teaser on home video format.

    And Universal are not known as a good provider of their theatrical promotional materials, especially with teasers. I, for one, yearn for the teaser of the Psycho remake (other than the 240x180 QT version), with sound clips from the original movie (and that's an Universal property).

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    True...but I would even just look for a copy of it taken from TV then doesnt necessarliy have to be an "official" teaser that was distributed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I really think its impossible to find this teaser...Damn!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    ^^^BUMP up on thread

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quebec, Canada
    You will probably BUMP the thread each week for a long time...
    At your place I would put it on the request thread, in the sticky, it will always be on the top.
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