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  1. #1
    j7wild Guest

    Exclamation United 93: I am not sorry to say this !!

    If I am getting ready to board a commercial flight and I see Middle Eastern Passengers waiting for the same flight; I will not board!!
    It's as simple as that!!

    Here's a list of Well Known Hijackings going back to the 60s:

    tell me how many of them were done by Hijackers of Middle Eastern Nationality?

    * 1968: The first Arab-Israeli hijacking, as three members of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hijack an El Al plane to Rome. Diverting to Algiers the negotiations extend over forty days. Both the hijackers and the hostages go free. This was the first and the only successful hijacking of an El Al flight.

    * 1970 May 15: Dymshits-Kuznetsov hijacking affair, a group of Soviet refuseniks attempt to hijack aircraft

    * 1970, September: As part of the Dawson's Field hijackings, PFLP members attempt to hijack four aircraft simultaneously. They succeed on three and force the planes to fly to the Jordanian desert, where the hijackers blow up the aircraft after releasing most of the hostages. The final hostages are freed in exchange for seven Palestinian prisoners. The fourth attack on an El Al plane by two people including Leila Khalid is foiled by armed guards aboard.

    * 1971: D. B. Cooper hijacks Northwest Orient Airlines flight 305 and obtains $200,000 ransom for the release of the plane's passengers. Cooper proceeds to parachute from the rear of the Boeing 727 and is never found.

    * 1972 November 15: First airline hijacking in Australia. A lone hijacker armed with a .22 sawn-off rifle and a knife in flight on Ansett Airlines flight 232 from Adelaide to Alice Springs with 28 passengers and a crew of 4. Followed by gun battle at Alice Springs Airport resulting in the death of the hijacker Miloslav Hrabinec and a police officer critically wounded.

    * 974 February 22: Samuel Byck shot and killed Maryland Aviation Administration Police Officer Neal Ramsburg at BWI before storming aboard Delta Air Lines flight 523 to Atlanta. He gained access to the cockpit while the plane was on the ground, intending to assassinate President Nixon by flying the DC-9 into the White House. He shot both the pilot and the copilot before he was shot through the aircraft window by another officer.

    * 1976: The Palestinian hijack of Air France Flight 139 is brought to an end at Entebbe Airport, Uganda by Operation Entebbe: Israeli commandos assault the building holding the hijackers and hostages killing all Palestinian hijackers and rescuing 105 persons, almost all Israeli hostages; three passengers and one commando are killed.

    * 1977: Lufthansa Flight 181 (also known as the Landshut) was hijacked by Palestinian terrorists on a flight from Palma de Mallorca to Frankfurt. The ordeal ended in Mogadishu when GSG 9 commandos stormed the plane. Three hijackers were killed and 86 hostages were freed. The pilot was killed. The hand of German Red Army Faction was suspected.

    * 1977 December 4: A Boeing 737 Malaysia Airlines Flight 653 was hijacked and crashed in Tanjung Kupang, Johore killing 100 people aboard.

    * 978: Two Arab guerrillas seized a plane in Cyprus. Egyptian commandos flew in uninvited to try to take the plane. Cypriot troops resisted and 15 Egyptians died in a 45-minute battle.

    * 1979: Two East Germans hijacked an aircraft to West Berlin.

    * 1979 June 20 and June 21: An American Airlines flight from New York to Chicago was hijacked by Nikola Kavaja, a Serbian nationalist, demanding the release of a jailed fellow nationalist. Unable to secure his comrade's release, the hijacker released all hostages except for the pilot, co-pilot and one flight attendant. They flew from Chicago back to New York where he transferred to a Boeing 707, which flew to Ireland where the hijacker surrendered and was returned to the United States for trial. Weapon used was a home-made bomb. There were no casualties.

    * 1981: A Pakistan International Airlines jet is hijacked and taken to Kabul, where one passenger is killed before the plane flies on to Damascus; the hostages are finally released after 13 days when the Pakistani Government agrees to free fifty political prisoners.

    * 1981: The Hijacking of Flight Garuda Indonesia GA 206 on 28 March 1981. This was the first serious Indonesian airline hijacking, since the first case was a desperate Marine hijacker who was killed by the pilot himself. The hijackers, a group called Commando Jihad, hijacked the DC 9 "Woyla", onroute from Palembang to Medan, and ordered the pilot to fly the plane to Colombo, Sri Lanka. But since the plane didn't have enough fuel, it refueled in Penang, Malaysia and then to Don Muang, Thailand. The hijackers demanded the release of Commando Jihad members imprisoned in Indonesia, and US $ 1.5 million, as well as a plane to take those prisoners to an unspecified destination. The Kopassus commandos who took part in this mission trained for only three days with totally unfamiliar weapons, brilliantly executed this fast-paced operation. One of the Kopassus commandos was shot by the hijacker leader, who then shot himself. All the other hijackers were killed. All the hostages were saved.

    * 1981 An Aer Lingus flight from Dublin to London was hijacked and diverted to Le Touquet in France by a man demanding that the Pope release the third secret of Fatima. While authorities negotiated with the hijacker by radio in the cockpit, French special forces entered the rear of the aircraft and overpowered him.

    * 1982 July 1: A Sri Lankan, identified as Sepala Ekanayaka, who was 33 years old, hijacked an Alitalia jumbo jet from Bangkok, Thailand, in order to be united with his wife and child and to return to Sri Lanka.

    * 1982 August 22: A lone Sikh militant, armed with a pistol and a hand grenade, hijacked a Boeing 737 on a scheduled flight from Bombay to New Delhi carrying 69 persons. Indian security forces killed the hijacker and rescued all passengers.

    * 1984: Lebanese Shi'a hijackers divert a Kuwait Airways flight to Tehran. The plane is taken by Iranian security forces who were dressed as custodial staff.[1]

    * 1985: Lebanese Shi'a hijackers divert TWA Flight 847 from Athens to Beirut with 153 people on board. The stand-off ends after Israel frees 31 Lebanese prisoners.

    * 1985: Palestinians take over EgyptAir Flight 648 and fly it to Malta. All together, 60 people died, most of them when Egyptian commandos stormed the aircraft.

    * 1988: Two Kuwaitis are killed in 1988 when Shi'a gunmen hijack a Kuwait Airways flight from Thailand and force it to fly to Algiers with more than 110 people on board; the hijack ends after 16 days when the hijackers free the remaining hostages and are allowed to leave Algiers.

    * 1994: FedEx Flight 705 hijacked by disgruntled employee Auburn Calloway as it left Memphis, Tennessee, with the intention of using it as a cruise missile against FedEx HQ. He was subdued by the flight crew before an emergency landing back at Memphis.

    * 1994: Air France Flight 8969 is hijacked by four GIA terrorists planning to crash into the Eiffel Tower. After the execution of 3 passengers, GIGN commandos storm the plane killing all hijackers and freeing all passengers.

    * 1995: Iranian defector and flight attendant Rida Garari hijacked Kish Air flight 707, which landed in Israel. No casualties.

    * 1996: Hemus Air Tu-154 aircraft was hijacked by the Palestinian Nadir Abdallah, flying from Beirut to Varna. The hijacker demamded that the aircraft be refuelled and given passage to Oslo, Norway after landing at Varna Airport. All of the 150 passengers were freed at Varna, afterwards the crew continued the flight to Oslo.

    * 1996: Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 crashed into the Indian Ocean near a beach in the Comoros Islands after hijackers refused to allow the pilot to land and refuel the plane. 125 passengers die and 50 survive. This is only the third incident in which there were survivors of a passenger jet that intentionally ditched into water.

    * 2000: Ariana Afghan Airlines Boeing 727 is hijacked on an internal flight within Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, and ended up at London Stansted Airport, where most of the passengers claimed political asylum.

    * 2001: September 11 attacks, eastern USA: 19 terrorists hijack four planes (American Airlines Flight 11, American Airlines Flight 77, United Airlines Flight 93, and United Airlines Flight 175). The aircraft were used as missiles to cause infrastructure damage in the worst terrorist attack on American soil in history; two of the planes, United Airlines Flight 175 and Flight 11 were crashed into New York City's World Trade Center towers, destroying the entire complex. American Airlines Flight 77 was used in a similar fashion at the Pentagon, in Washington, D.C., which caused the destruction of the portion of that building hit. They are the three most deadly of all aircraft hijackings. In the case of United 93 the intention was likely the same but the passengers, learning of the fate of the other three planes, attacked the cockpit, causing the hijackers to crash the plane in rural Pennsylvania, killing all on board. By official count, 2,752 people died at the World Trade Center, 189 died in Washington, D.C., and 44 died crashing into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

    * 2006: Turkish Airlines Flight 1476, flying from Tirana to Istanbul, was hijacked in Greek airspace. The aircraft, with 107 passengers and six crew on board, transmitted two coded hijack signals which were picked up by the Greek air force.

    The above list does not include Planes that were blown up in midair like Pan-Am 103 (by Lybian Terrorists) and other terrorist acts committed by Terrorists of Middle Eastern Organizations!!

    Yes, I am aware some of them are law abiding hard working people but I don't care

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    man... u need someone to talk some intelligence with u. Really? You have anyone that u catch with about the serious issue or just vent?
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    the plywood state
    so, what you are saying is that you are a racist towards all middle eastern people ..??

    not to mention that there are quite a few of the highjackings you posted that were not commited by a middle eastern person as you put it. since both German and Americans have highjacked planes, does this also mean that you are not going to fly on a plane with them too ???

    i would pay good money to see you telling the airlines that you are not going to fly with middle eastern people.

    interesting to see a former cop post such ignorance....

    and WTF does this got to do with Flight 93 ?
    "I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone …
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Prague, Czech Republic
    yeah, lol, what doest it have to do with U93??!!

    And anyway, this is exactly the type of (sorry) stupid paranoia, which drives all the hate between nations. There´s much more fanatic ppl in US then u could count, but since they arent killing their own ppl but some of those "middle eastern terrorists" , they are not considered dangerous. Its u yourself then who make ppl act how they act, when u dont even want to get on a plane wid some guy, who might not even be from ME, just got born wid wrong color of skin. Sry m8, but this is kinda stupid....what if I told u that my mum is from ME (which she isnt of course), u wouldnt get on a plane wid me?
    Me angry! Where´s my food!

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  5. #5
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by j7wild View Post
    Yes, I am aware some of them are law abiding hard working people but I don't care

    Some of them? How about, almost all of them.
    "A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism." / Carl Sagan

  6. #6
    j7wild Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by red bear View Post
    so, what you are saying is that you are a racist towards all middle eastern people ..??
    I am not racist toward all middle eastern people.

    If that's the way you interpret my thinking;

    then you MUST think that every writer, director, producer, actor and everyone involved with the TV Show "24" is racist toward all middle eastern people because they portray them as terrorists on the show.

    My statement is very simple:

    some of them are Terrorists and if I see them at the airport waiting to board the same flight as I am;

    I will not get on the flight.

    Did you see the surveillance photographs of the Terrorists who hijacked those 4 planes on 9/11?

    They were wearing business suits.

    So how am I supposed to tell if a Middle Eastern person is a terrorist or a regular passenger?

    I can't.

    So Better be safe than sorry: it's called self preservation.

    I let you get on that flight and God Forbid, it get hijacked, you will be thinking: "J7wild's way of thinking may not had been orthodox or socially acceptable or politically correct but by God, he was correct!!"

    Quote Originally Posted by st39.6 View Post

    And anyway, this is exactly the type of (sorry) stupid paranoia, which drives all the hate between nations.
    well the U.S. and its Allies worldwide are not the one doing this.

    Look at the state of the Middle East today:

    constant fighting each other, bombing each other, terrorist acts against each other and then against the West; kidnapping and execution of innocent people and then there is the mess in Iraq;

    we went there to liberate them from a Dictator and help them rebuild their country into a free democratic society and that's how they repay us?

    By bringing in Mercenaries from other Middle Eastern country to kill American and its Allies troops and to kill innocent contractors who are there to help them build things?

    Those people in Iraq don't want our help: I think we should pull out and let them sort out their own mess.

    Then there is the constant war between the Arabs and the Israelis? How long has that been going on?

    Do you still see European Countries fighting each other?

    Asian Countries fighting each other?


  7. #7
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    Jul 2005
    You have a very simplified look at some major political issues and conflicts. It realy isn't that easy to understand and explain. First off you need to have some knowledge of the history and political situation of these regions. You can also start by asking yourself the question: Why??
    Like, why do the palestinians hate israel. Why is there a civil war in Iraq? An answer like: "they fight cause they're arabs" won't cut it.

    You also have a very narrow look at the global situation. Examples:

    Do you still see European Countries fighting each other?
    Not so long ago you might remember regions like Serbia, Joegoslavia, Kosovo. 200.000 dead. Europe is alot more than just Germany, Great-Britain and France. Or how about Russia and Tsjetnia.

    Asian Countries fighting each other?
    Fighting, not right now but I wouldn't consider North-Korea and South Korea best friends. There's also India vs Pakistan (nuclear capable countries) and Kashmir border conflict.

    we went there to liberate them from a Dictator and help them rebuild their country into a free democratic society and that's how they repay us?
    Wrong, that's the sugar candy version they feed you when you watch too much Fox news.
    Everyone knows at the beginning they went in cause Sadam had nuclear weapons or was almost capable of producing nuclear weapons, the other reason was that Iraq was harboring Al-qaida terrorist. There's not too much talking about that now. Some say the US went in to secure oil reserves for the future, others say it's cause the US wanted to have a larger influence in the middle east.
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  8. #8
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    Prague, Czech Republic
    ooo, dont forget that FISRT reason US went there was coz Sadam "HAD" (dat was d intel) lots of NUKES and BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS. Well, but since US found s*it, they started to make mor and more and more reasons to stay and almost "keep" the country (or moreless its natural resources) for them selfs. Of course they needed to rebuild it to democratical state - even tho noone asked them for it - otherwise they could not stay here, coz it´ d seemed they r here only to fight and get some oil. This way? "We´re here to save u ppl, of course we´ll take all your religion away and use your natural resources, but that is only small pay for ´freedom´ under thousands of american soldiers, right?". So yes, this is how most religion people pay back, same as christians conquered half of world, now other religions try to claim their statements. I dont say terrorism or such is right, its simply problem of religion and its interpretation.
    But dude, it doesnt immediately mean dat every single muslim or whoever from ME is terrorist. Who do you think you are from their point of view, when you conquer their lands, kill their leader (yeah, he deserved it, ok, but noone kills China´s dictator neither, why? - he´s too powerful- but do u really think that people under his regime arent used to way they live?), u take everythink from them, kill tons of innocent people claiming u´r fighting terrorism but u´r just creating it .... who do you think u r for them? An enemy. U fight your enemy, your enemy fights his enemy, its both sided fight, but has ever any ME man not gotten to plane, coz he saw white guy who might actually want to kill him? From there´s side of view, it more looks like u americanos wanna kill all the ME ppl coz they might ONCE b terrorists.

    Anyway this is endless discussion ....

  9. #9
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    I'm not going to express my personal opinion on this subject but you have to understand that 9/11 pretty much happened because it's taboo in the US to screen someone based on their race.

    If you look in the 9/11 Report you will see that many of the hijackers were selected as high-threat passengers by Al Gore's screening program. The minimum wage High School graduates who work at airports here in the northeast ignored that program and let them through.

    Before 9/11 US airport policy stated that once you select two Muslim passenger for extra screening you can't screen any more or it's racial profiling. That's exactly what happened, meaning that people who came up as potential hijackers were not even checked.

    Moreover the whole plot could've been discovered if only the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui was opened to investigation a month before 9/11. That request was however denied based on privacy rights of suspected terrorists.

    Look at the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service's operation on the Toronto terrorists. They profiled people and it worked very well, saving potentially thousands of lives. That operation probably yielded more information on these networks than anything anyone else has done.

    Another example is the Atlantic Avenue mosque in Brooklyn. The mosque was the main meeting place for the 1993 WTC bombers. It remained open after the attacks even after its leaders were arrested for conspiracy. The mosque continues to operate despite being listed on the CIA's al-queda network list.

  10. #10
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    What you're doing is, you're trying to make yourself feel more secure by telling yourself: "If there are no muslims on my plane, I'll be safe."

    The truth is, a white guy could just as easily take your plane down. You have no way of knowing.

    There's nothing wrong with wanting to feel safe, just realize what it is that you are doing.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jean-Pierre Bazinet View Post
    What you're doing is, you're trying to make yourself feel more secure by telling yourself: "If there are no muslims on my plane, I'll be safe."

    The truth is, a white guy could just as easily take your plane down. You have no way of knowing.
    An excellent example of that is Timothy McVey, he didn't brought a plane down but he did kill alot of poeple in Oklahoma. You could argument that he's an exception but that's not true, he's just the most known example.

  12. #12
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    Jan 2004
    And be careful of those Irish, stay out of Boston and New York cause they're all members of the IRA dontcha know.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by SharkmanSIX View Post
    And be careful of those Irish, stay out of Boston and New York cause they're all members of the IRA dontcha know.
    yeah and all Italians are part of the mafia.

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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SharkmanSIX View Post
    And be careful of those Irish, stay out of Boston and New York cause they're all members of the IRA dontcha know.
    oh crap. i didnt know that. what is my wife going to say now that im part of the IRA ?? im also part german....crap, now im a part Nazi too. what am i supposed to do ??

    you know, there are other ways to keep america afraid. take a Cessna, fill it with a dirty bomb and drop it on top of the Indy 500. imagine; 250,000 people all at once. Or blow up two malls. anywhere, just make it two malls so that a pattern can be seen. Then i guess you wouldn't want to go shopping anymore. Or, if you desire to take down a dont even have to be at an airport. Remember how people thought someone was going to take down a plane at the end of the runway with an anti-aircraft rocket (stinger) ???? you wont even see that person (well, you might on your way down).

    to say that you are not going to fly on any plane with middle eastern people is just plain ignorant and does nothing but promote a redneck point of view.

  15. #15
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    *reading this thread*

    It's.... it's .. it's just like.. u know... watching someone getting burnt while they hang themselves over a bonfire!

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