let me get this straight ... Spacewar! (1962), Star Raiders (1979), Zork (1980), Tetris (1985), SimCity (1989), Super Mario Bros. 3 (1990), Civilization I/II (1991), Doom (1993), Warcraft series (beginning 1994) and Sensible World of Soccer (1994).

i think if anyone is going to make a list of games, the first list should be either the first or the best in that particular genre. there is no need to have Civilization 1 AND 2 there, when they were neither the best or the first in that game type (3/4 view strategy-based role play). I don't think Doom should be up there either. anyone who played should know that Castle Wolfenstein was eariler(if not first) and that marathon was much better in terms of gameplay than Doom. i have never heard of the 'Sensible World of Soccer' ... but considering that i am an avid gamer and have played a ton of games, yet never heard of it ... tells me it wasn't that great. IMO ... eventhough Super Mario 3 is a good game, it is no different than the first Mario or the second one either. still a side scroller. graphics are the same, engine is the same ... same game, just had a few different options. i don't think SM3 should be on that list either. Mario 1, yes. but not 3. i just don't see how revolutionary it was ...

the fact that Pong, Pacman or even Mortal Kombat are not present shows this group's lack of intelligence considering games. i would place money that this is nothing more than a group of endorsement seekers looking to make some money from the gaming industry .... also, i think it is weird that not one game in the last 13 years is present.

i played star raiders on my (very) old atari 800. loved that game but i always wanted to blow up the base as soon as i got refueled. it was fun but got boring rather quickly ....