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  1. #1
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    Arrow Forbidden Planet (2010?)

    When it was announced that J. Michael Straczynski was writing a remake of the classic 1956 sci-fi film The Forbidden Planet, the response was highly negative. I tried to defend it, but without any actual details to go off of, it was a challenge. However, MTV talked with Straczynski recently and got some rather juicy details out of him. While he didn't exactly reveal a lot, he did finally say some things that actually make me confident that this remake won't being butchered by Hollywood. Straczynski is no newcomer to sci-fi, being the creator of "Babylon 5" and writer of comic books like "Silver Surfer: Requiem", and it seems more and more apparent that he is the perfect guy to bring us an updated Forbidden Planet.

    Straczynski told MTV that "I've always wanted to do something involving Forbidden Planet. It's my favorite science-fiction film of all time." The rights were moving between companies, so he told Joel Silver to pick it up and he'd write it. "It's the dream of a lifetime to play in that universe." And how did he convince Silver that his version would be worthwhile? "I told Joel this is how you do Forbidden Planet without pissing on the original that no one has ever thought of. When I told [the idea] to him, his eyes lit up. It's not a remake. It's not a reimagining. It's not exactly a prequel. You'll have to see it. It's something that no one has thought of when it comes to this storyline." Unfortunately that means we've got to wait, too.

    When asked about the retro look of the original film and whether it'll translate to this, he corrects MTV saying that the original wasn't actually retro. "At the time it was made it was cutting edge. They weren't trying to be 'retro' — they thought they were right on the cutting edge. People that went to see that film saw things they had never seen before. What we have to do now is have this one be as innovative now as the original was then. It doesn't mean we should look backwards." That task of innovating the look is left up to the director, so Straczynski doesn't have much more to add on that front. And unfortunately Warner Brothers and Joel Silver haven't actually chosen a suitable director for this yet.

    The script is being written by J. Michael Straczynski and the project has been gaining momentum recently inside of Warner Brothers. Apparently it's none other than James Cameron who has been looking at directing the remake. Cameron has been circling the project for years, including showing an interest back in 1998, but that version fell through. Now he's showed an interest again in this version. If this indeed turns out to be true, it might be the best news I've heard all year!

    As I'm sure everyone knows, Forbidden Planet was a 1956 sci-fi film about a starship crew that is sent to investigate another planet. In a previous interview, Straczynski said that his version is not exactly a remake: "It's not a remake. It's not a reimagining. It's not exactly a prequel. You'll have to see it." With Straczynski mentioning that they must "have this one be as innovative now as the original was then," I couldn't think of a more innovate filmmaker at this very moment than James Cameron. That's all part of why this news is so exciting to me, especially because I was already looking forward to this remake anyway.

    This news isn't official or confirmed yet, and IESB only says that Cameron is "eyeing the project and is very interested in helming." Obviously a lot of details will need to be worked out before it's official. And if he does take on this project, we probably wouldn't see it for at least three or four more years, as he's still 100% dedicated to Avatar until next December when it hits theaters.

    Internet Leaks Kill Forbidden Planet Script

    Forbidden PlanetLoose lips sink scripts! Skewed and Reviewed relays word from screenwriter and Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynzki that he and Warner Bros. have decided to ax his script for the Forbidden Planet remake because of extensive leaks on the internet:

    This is the direct result of the leaks that showed up on the nets, including detailed script reviews of a project that was barely a week old, and which would effectively destroy any anticipation of the movie because by the time it finally reached the screen in 2010 or thereabouts, the story would be old news.

    This seems like a real shame because it was looking like the project had gotten off to an intriguing and original start. Now it's back to the drawing board with a whole lot of extra security, as JMS starts to work on the new script.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Almost it has covered everything of Forbidden Planet thanks for sharing

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