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  1. #1
    j7wild Guest

    Question I don't know what to do with Allessandra and Aurora!!

    Andrea went to Chicago to go visit her Sister (why? that's a totally different story that I don't want to get into , let's just say her Sister is a Little Miss Drama Queen) and I don't know what to do with them.

    I played with them (they can play with big blocks, big beach balls now and pick up rattlers and their dollys), did their hair, read them stories, fed them, changed them, what else can I do with them for the next 5 days?

    I can take them out later but I don't know if it's a good idea since they will be in the back of the car by themselves;

    what if they start crying? There is no one in the back to console them or see what's wrong and I have to concentrate on driving safely.

    I wish they can talk so they can tell me what Andrea does with them all day long when I am at work.

    Right now they are sitting on a big comforter spread out on the carpeted floor of the PC room; they are sitting up talking baby talk to each other and making all kind of hands and arms movements and gestures to each other.

    I wish I can understand what they are saying to each other:

    It just all sound like goo goo gaa gaa to me!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Prague, Czech Republic
    I think its time .... when you can insert the DVD and play them Star Wars

    .... or Olsen Sisters

    ....or Teletubbies
    Me angry! Where´s my food!

    My DVD Collection, My Blu-ray collection

  3. #3
    j7wild Guest
    nope, no TV for them yet...

    I called Mamma and she said I don't have to be next to them every minute of the day.

    Just leave them on the comforter, make sure I am within short distance where I can see them and every now and then just talk to them so they know I am nearby, put a few of their favorite toys around them to keep them busy and a few ones a little away so they can be motivated to start learning to reach them by crawling or rolling, etc., and just let them be.

    Mamma says if they want something, they will let me know by making noises or fussing or crying!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Prague, Czech Republic
    that sounds like from "how to use a baby" manual



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