I won't post any links or lists. I want you to share your personal Best Movies of the Decade. Be as subjective as you want...

The movie that is on top of my list for this decade is...

Yes, "Mystic River" dir. by Clint Eastwood. I've always liked crime/thriller/drama movies and this movie is the perfect combination of those ingredients. It also introduced me to the amazing world of Dennis Lehane books.

I will also mention two other films that I really like and often come back to them on DVD. First will be "The Departed" and the second will be "Black Hawk Down".

I would also like to give my personal Best Director of the Decade Award to Clint Eastwood. He surprised me with every movie over the last few years. My second favorite is Peter Jackson. He did an amazing job on LoTR and King Kong, I think he was the most inspirational director of the decade.

And my Favorite Actress of the Decade is Naomi Watts (Mulholland Dr, The Ring, 21 Grams, Stay, King Kong)

I'm waiting for your choices.