i have a big problem with people whinging about cgi in movies, especially when the movie isnt cgi orientated.

if the film was starwars, star trek, ice age any other film where cgi plays a major part then yes your complaint is warrented and in these situations the poor effects would detract from the film.

that said, in a film series like bond since when has special effects mattered.. think back to the glory days of bond.. yes back in the 60's when cgi wasnt even invented.. think roger skiing infront of the blue screen (clearly obvious)... did it matter NO! did it matter that in moonraker bond had a laser gun, but that technology mysteriously dissapeared for the next bond movie.. (it would have definatly replaced his walther for sure!!)

xXx was horrible.. it was trash there was no excuse for it... the crap that is said that its James Bond for a new generation.. what a load of bull.. its a studio head's idea of a wet dream.. whack Vin Diesel who is popular at the moment (dont ask why.. but if you talk to any 16 year old girl its not because of his acting talent.. its all visual.. no cgi there!!) anyway i digress vin apparently appeals to a young stupid target audience.. rev heads.. and most white people trying to be black, apparently vin does not want the world to know his true genetic background for fear of loosing his confused hispanic/caucasian demographic.

CGI is overrated.. you go and rent out films like willow, neverending story, labryinth... i dare you to try and tell me that the animatronics detract from the story.. these movies still managed to create a fantasy that captured my imagination... i love and cherish these movies just as much as i do the fellowship of the ring... compare the effects in the films?? and think about what exactly CGI does contribute to the film.. all CGI is accomplishing is making audiences stupid.. part of what made some films so great is the fact that much of the effects were not there.. the audiences mind filled in the gaps, there own imagination joined the dots.. now with CGI filmmakers are getting lazy, they would rather spoon feed the new generation with effects rather than let us figure it out for ourselves.. dont believe me.. think about the classic monster horror film.. im going to use jaws as my example.. you never saw jaws for much of the film.. the threat and imagining the threat was up to you. the horror you experienced was largely contributed to your own imagination kicking in and manifesting your own shark.. now think about modern films.. think mimic 2, jeepers creepers.. the cgi is available now to create a monster and show it, does this help the movie.. NO!! the actual monster is not even half as scary as something your imagination could have thought up on its own!

anyway.. i loved die another day, i felt it was by far one of the best bond films.. i spent a good 2 hours talking with friends outside the cinema.. and then on the internet afterwards, discussing how sean and roger would be sitting by reminiscing, discussing the references hidden in the movie.. Lee Tamahori has done a fantastic job, i want him back for the next bond film.. david arnold seemed bored with this score.. he had it nailed with the score for the world is not enough.. and seemed to just recycle old cues.. especially evident in tracks from the soundtrack such as iced inc.

madonnas song is number 1! not a very good bond song, but a god damn great song to advertise a movie with, and garner interest for the film.. plus i have no doubt next time i venture out at night i will hear a bond song being played over a gigantic sub and several pairs of 6x9.. and to be honest nothing will make me happier.. if only i could have a martini to complement it with!..