In truth the whole situation sucks from having it become a standard practice by BBYC of receiving damaged goods in a nice cardboard box, to people having to purchasing 4 -5 SteelBooks in order to stand a chance of getting a somewhat undamaged unit, then now Best Buy Canada cannot fill many orders and we are given a vouchers for $20-$50.

Finally, for those of us Canadians steelbook collectors who cannot get a decent steelbook in Canada if you are fortunate enough and are forced to buy it in Amurica hallelujer; but if not then you're SOL. Why because we are not able to purchase here in our own country.

I can only speak for myself but living on the the US/CAN border I also have ordered from and driven to the Best Buy US. From, spending $12.50 CND round trip for bridge and/or tunnel toll, hoping there is not traffic on the bridge, then having to deal with the US/CND custom gestapo and finally have an hour round trip drive to the closet Best Buy in the surrounding Metro Detroit area then having to finally purchase the 1-2 steelbooks that are coming in that week in US funds not including buying US funds at what ever the exchange rate is that day. For me we are not saving anything making this truly one hot mess and it is not getting any better.