Beautiful steelbook cover art; as always another fine piece of artwork by Tom Whalen. I think I have made my opinion known concerning how much I love Mondo Disney art in comparison to the art Disney put out from both the Best Buy Marketplace and from Best Buy USA 4K I am not sure if these artists who have created posters with Mondo such Becky Cloonan, Laurent Durieux, Olly Moss, Gary Pullin, Matthew Woodson, Jay Shaw, Matt Taylor, Kevin Tong, Tom Whalen, Sam Wolfe Connelly, and Jock are under contract but since Disney is releasing their animated movie on steelbooks with 4K it would be nice if they could get Tom Whalen and/or another Mondo artist to create more decent steelbook art. Also with Frozen 2 being released the Fall 2019 you can guarantee Disney will be releasing a Frozen 4K/Bluray combo and seeing how Disney did not release a steelbook through either Future Shop and Best Buy USA. Hopefully they can get Tom Whalen who did the Frozen Mondo and/or other Disney Steelbooks or another Mondo artists to create a decent steelbook design for future Disney releases.