"I'm telling you this first!! Trust me when I tell you that Brett is still doing SUPERMAN I'm 99% on it, I'm telling you this cause we're Latinos and we have to look out for each other." So of course I took it with a grain of salt and soon enough VARIETY had to be the first to say that Brett Ratner is indeed still directing SUPERMAN.

We all know who the contenders were, Josh Hartnett, Jude Law, Brendan Fraser, Ashton Kutcher and Mutant X star Victor Webster. But no one knows who has won the part until NOW!!

Got this information a little while ago and folks this as reliable as it gets.

"I want you to have this Exclusive information. TRUST ME on this. Apparently Brett Ratner is casting the role for the man of steel here in NYC, when all of a sudden who shows up but JOSH HARTNETT. Brett was amazed by his performance. Apparently impressed to the point where it's 99% certain that he will be the next man of steel!"

So there you have it, hopefully this will be the end of who is going to take our minds off of Christopher Reeves as the man of steel, however, I just can't see this cat playing Superman. But hey that's what they said about Michael Keaton playing Batman and he turned out to be the best Batman ever. So you got to give Josh a chance.
So could it be that we will soon see wartime PEARL HARBOR and BLACK HAWK DOWN hero donning the "S"? It seems like yesterday; when Brett Ratner told me that he was directing Superman during the press junket for RED DRAGON, and we reported it first and then of course the studio went on to confirm it. Stay tuned for either the studio or one of the big cats like Variety or Hollywood Reporter to announce it. But remember! You heard it here first!
Now I hope I don't crash and burn for this.

fast fast someone make a photoshop pix of this guy in superman attire