Death Wish (2018)

In 1974, a movie about an ordinary New York man turned vigilante after his wife and daughter were attacked by criminals took the world by storm.

The timing of that film was perfect at the time when New York city was the epitome of high violent crime rate, when most people in the USA were fed up with the system especially after the turmoil and chaos of the 1960's while this country was still looking for a way out of the Vietnam War and to heal from the causes and effects of it.

It was a dark social criticism of the way things were then.

Fast forward 44 years later, someone decided to remake the film starring Bruce Willis.

That someone is director Eli Roth, known for the Saw and Hostel horror franchises.

The premise of the movie is the same as the original, but the times have changed and the timing of this movie's release, originally scheduled for November and pushed back until now is horrible - at a time when this country has been affected by mass shootings after mass shootings and heated national debates rage on on how to solve this country's problem of gun violence.

In the original film, Charles Bronson's Paul Kersey was a New York city architect.

In this remake, Bruce Willis' Paul Kersey is a Chicago surgeon.

After seeing so many action films in the past 30 years starring Bruce Willis as the hero (or anti-hero) who easily dispatches the bad guys without hardly any effort, it's difficult to take Willis seriously.

Heck! This could had very easily been a Die Hard movie with a smaller body count:

if the title card was changed from Death Wish to Die Hard 6, you would not had known the difference.

Also how many similar movies with similar "Vigilante Revenge" premises of one person taking out a lot of bad people single handedly have we seen since 1974?

Too many!

The Taken franchise, Denzel Washington's The Equalizer, Jodie Foster's The Brave One, Robert De Niro's Taxi Driver and many others including Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2 have sort of desensitized us and made us impervious to the impact of such movies.
