Revenge (2017)



That's my IMMEDIATE REACTION when the end credits started scrolling.

What is this movie about?

Well, it's best explained with the words of English playwright and poet William Congreve, who wrote these lines in his 1697 play The Mourning Bride.

"Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd,
Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd."

That is the only way to describe this Graphic, Bloody, Potent, Gruesome Gore Fest about a young woman taking revenge on her lover and his friends who betrayed her in a most violent way.

What makes this movie even more fascinating is that it's directed by a woman:

French director Coralie Fargeat - who with this film has proven that women can hold their own in the horror film genre dominated by male directors.

Brutally honest in its social message reflecting today's mores regarding men's treatment of women, it features a few scenes that will make even the most seasoned horror movie watching veterans squirm in their seats, this movie is on the same level as other recent horror celluloids out of France such as Haute Tension, Martyrs, Frontier(s).

It's also refreshing to see in today's glut of PG-13 horror cheap thrills wannabes, there is still someone with the guts to make a real horror movie - from a woman no less.

This is truly a satisfying horrific overload that should not be missed!

5/5 !!