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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada

    Was The Texas Chain Saw Massacre based on a true story? (answer)

    After seeing the trailer for the remake in theaters which says "inspired by true events" I got to thinking.

    The answer kinda contains spoilers about the older movie - nothing specific plot wise, just how some people die really. Kinda intresting though... Enjoy!

    Dear Cecil:

    My friends and I were discussing the great horror movies when someone claimed that The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was based on a true story. I went to the video store, and sure enough on the back of the box it said the movie was based on real events. I rented it, and after my friends and I watched it we got to wondering just how true this story is. Cecil, help us out here. How loosely is the movie based on the real story? What are the facts? --Mike McGrory, via the Internet

    Cecil replies:

    Coming right up, friend, but be warned. Gross-out danger: high.

    If you're looking for me to tell you there really was a family of backwoods weirdos, including a goon in a mask called Leatherface, and that a kid really went into their house and got hit with a hammer, and then his girlfriend went looking for him, and Leatherface impaled her on a meat hook while he butchered the boyfriend with a chain saw, and then a second guy went looking for the first two and got hammered too, and then Leatherface sawed up yet another guy in a wheelchair, and then one last woman got away and found refuge in a barbecue shop, only it turned out the barbecue was really human flesh, and the shop's proprietor was Leatherface's cousin or something, and they were really all cannibals . . . um, sorry, but this isn't a 100 percent accurate reenactment of actual events. The real Leatherface didn't use a hammer. Also the chain saw was a whimsical creative touch. But I'm not telling you that director Tobe Hooper made the whole thing up.

    The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was--well, I don't know that "inspired" is the word you want to use here, but at any rate Hooper got the idea from a sensational 1957 murder case involving Wisconsin farmer Ed Gein. Gein's exploits weren't quite the over-the-top carnival of crime depicted in the movie, but for an amateur he made quite a splash. Gein's mother was a domineering Bible thumper who persuaded her son that all women were evil strumpets. He cared for mom alone after she had a stroke, and when she finally died he nailed shut the rooms where she'd lived. He was fascinated by crime stories, anatomy textbooks, and embalming and liked to discuss them with folks in the nearby town of Plainfield. People found him a little odd but likable. Little did they know.

    One day Bernice Worden, proprietor of the town hardware store, vanished under suspicious circumstances. Clues pointed to Gein, who'd been hanging around the previous few days. The sheriff drove out to Gein's farmhouse and found Worden's headless corpse hanging by the feet in the kitchen, "eviscerated and dressed out like a deer," according to one press account. The head was in a cardboard box, the heart in a plastic bag on the stove. Elsewhere in the cluttered home authorities found ten skins from human heads, bracelets and chair seats made from human skin, a box of noses, the skin from a woman's chest rolled up on the floor, and more.

    Under questioning Gein admitted to two killings--Worden plus Mary Hogan, a 54-year-old saloon keeper who'd vanished in 1954. He said he'd got the other body parts from robbing women's graves. Later accounts painted Gein as a cannibal and a necrophiliac, but a 1957 Time story specifically denied this, saying he preserved the remains "just to look at." I mean, lest you think the guy was a kink. Gein's story made headlines all over the country, including an eight-page spread in Life magazine. After a hearing he was committed to a Wisconsin state hospital for the criminally insane.

    So, let's check off these parallel motifs from the Gein and chain-saw sagas: grave robbing (oops, I forgot to mention this in my summary of TCSM), butchering of victims, use of human body parts as an element in the home-decorating scheme (this was in TCSM too). The great literary themes. But wait, you say. Mild-mannered bachelor murderer, lonely rural setting, obsession with dead mother. There's another classic horror movie this reminds me of, and it doesn't have anything to do with gasoline-powered garden implements. You got it, babe: Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. Gein was also the source for a character in The Silence of the Lambs and gave rise to some lesser known movies as well. I ask you, how many movies has Mother Teresa inspired? Of the high-profile flicks, TCSM is undoubtedly the stupidest (I'm telling you, it doesn't play as well as it reads), but they say it launched the slasher genre. Way to go, Ed. Shows you what a man can accomplish if he won't settle for upholstering the seats in leatherette.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Skopje, Macedonia
    I was also wondering about the real story this movie(s) was inspired by. Thanks for the info.
    Last edited by lafce; 08-06-2003 at 12:24 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Damn and here I was all ready to add the points about Psycho and Silence Of The Lambs. This article didn't miss a point. Great find.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Originally posted by carl
    Damn and here I was all ready to add the points about Psycho and Silence Of The Lambs. This article didn't miss a point. Great find.
    thanks. I'm starting to make it a habit of visiting The Straight Dope they seem to put a lot of effort into getting the facts right. Some intresting stuff.

    Though I checked, Tisoy - still no definite answer about the term "flick" I think you're right if not very close though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by carl
    Damn and here I was all ready to add the points about Psycho and Silence Of The Lambs. This article didn't miss a point. Great find.
    Yes I was about to do the same and chime in with my 2 cents on the "is TCM a true story?" question when I seen the topic but the article is quite good. I myself did research on Ed Gein and many others such as Albert Fish for an on going project I am working on. When you read about them the events of their lives can be quite interesting and you come to learn why society becomes so fascinated by these people and what they have done. Now if you have or get the 2 disk 2003 version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre there is on the second disk a very good Documentary about Ed Gein and the legend of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

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