There's a thick line between genius creativity and plain stupid creativity. Think X-MEN for Genius. But this?

Where's BEYONCE when we need her!
Or, duh, Michelle Pfeiffer EVEN!
What were they thinkin'!
First, Batman with t*ts
Then, Bat Credit Card!

Oh, they do good with Smallville, but then they killed Bird Of Prey???

No wonder DC Comics2Movies going down while Marvel2Movies are goin' UP!

Mr. Burton, plssssss SAVE WARNER!
Ms. Berry, just play Ororo puhleezzz,

Rufus, thanks for the link, been curious after seeing the pictures, now to see the live action.

I'm a big fan of DC, got most of Lois and Clark taped while it was aired, and even got the svcds (wink wink), have all bats DVDs (even the ones with t*ts), getting HD smallviles and some BOP dvds, but enough is enough, me no going to theater to see this!

saddened fan,