Breaks out into Matrix style slowmotion kung fu poses.

Saw this last night and I have to wonder whether they were making a crap film for the sake of making fun of regular cinema goers, or whether they genuinely were that dumb.

Sick guy begging for water or a hospital, so they slam the door in his face. He decides to take car to hospital so they decide to try and beat him to death with a crow bar. Excuse me but are we supposed to be routing for these guys or what.

After that incident town cop shows up and on seeing car literally full of blood, having a virtual stream make it's way from the car, he takes one look and says "Duude you had a parrrrty!" Damn if that's what the cops are like in America then it's worse than I thought.

Besides that "Joke" that was used at the begginning/end involving the rifle, damn if I didn't want to shoot someone for that one. :big grin:

Sorry but, damn, was I expecting something much better, reviews mostly said it was a Wrong Turn style of solid horror flick, flesh eating virus is a damn scary prospect, but this film was no good except for the fact that it's the funniest film I've seen in years.